Historic Map - Amityville, NY - 1925
Reproduction aero-view of Amityville, New York created by Rene Cinquin and published by Metropolitan Aero-View Co. in 1925. Amityville is a village in Suffolk County that was established in 1894.
In 1925, Amityville was a popular visitors destination with large hotels on the bay and large homes. The village booster from 1925 reads:
"Those seeking new homes outside the city find in Amityville a quiet location with every convenience which a modern, up-to-date, progressive village offers. The large number of houses being erected, and the increasing number of commuters, are evidence that this village is an attractive place and bound to grow rapidly and prosper. It is situated on the open water of the Great South Bay, whose inlets make up ten miles of water front property on Amityville River, Clock's River, Wood's River, Maler's Canal, De Le Ree Canal and Meyer's Canal, providing in all an interesting shore line and just on the border line between Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Its location on the bay provides all one could wish for in the way of aquatic sports and recreation. Amityville has electric light and gas, fire and police protection, street water, two banks, library, high school, clubs, hotels, two motion picture houses and two newspapers. It has several miles of roads, paved with concrete, and its streets are well-graded and beautified by over-hanging trees. Amityville prides itself in a flourishing yacht club, the Unqua Corinthian, which affords constant social attractions from May to September; also its annual flower show, which attracts many people. Its churches are Methodist, Episcopal, Roman Catholic, and Colored Methodist; and for fraternal orders will be found the I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, Jr. O. U. A. M., F. & A. M., Knights of Columbus, Daughters of Liberty, Catholic Daughters of America, Rebekah Lodge, Order of Eastern Star, Carpenter's Union. There is also an active civic association and Chamber of Commerce. Chapelfiels is a country club and residence community of nearly one square mile surrounding the South Country Links and extending from the Merrick Road to Great South Bay just west of Amityville. Fairfields and wondrous wood where golf, tennis, boating, bathing and fishing make linksside and waterside cottages most alluring."
The map from 1925 features an inset illustration of the Amityville out-lying vicinity and includes clearly labeled street names showing railroad routes.
Features top and bottom illustrations or photographs of the following:
Parthey's Sanitary Dairy
M. Cvitkovich Co., Manufacturer of Meerschaum Pipes
John J. Dempsey, Fruit and Produce
The Wood Lumber Co.
E. S. Van Nostrand, Automobile Accessories
The Jeannette Shop
Lewis Haff, Teaming and Trucking
Louis Losi, Grocery and Produce
The Maple Drive Auto Service
Parthey's Garage
Bill's Service Station
B. Seldeen, Stationery and Newsdealer
Louden & Knickerbocker Halls
John Manhassett, Builder and Contractor
Treadwell Portland, Florist
Hulse Bros., Boat Builders
William Maul, Electrical Contractor
The Doctor Reed Private Hospital
John Schutte, Manufacturer of Pocketbooks
William Lieblanc, Poultry Supply
Sam's Tailor Shop
Richard Viets, Tailor
Haff Roofing Co.
Amityville Creamery, Inc.
Brown's Boat Yard
W. Powell & Sons, Inc.
W. C. Albertson, Druggist
A. B. Wiley, Florist
A. W. Lottman Jr., Builder and Contractor
Ed. Pollini, Boulevard Garage
Charles Reitz, Broadway Bakery
High School
Grammar School
The Amity Restaurant
Garrett Busch & Son, Inc
The Brunswick Home
Amityville Lyceum
St. Mary's P. E. Church
The Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club
Simpson M. E. Church
The Bank of Amityville
Village Hall
First National Bank
Farmingdale Individual Laundry Service, Inc.
First M. E. Church
St. Martin's R. C. Church
The map also shows lists Amityville business people and places:
Village of Amityville. John F. Louden, President.
Village Hall. 12-20 Greene Ave. Tel. Amity 400.
Chamber of Commerce. R. H. Honsberger, Pres., John Kiernan, 1st V. Pres., Morris Weiss, 2nd V. Pres., F. J. Nienberg, Secy., Percy L. Hall, Tres.
Amityville High School.
Amityville Grammar School. George E. Brown, Principal.
Amityville Lyceum.
The Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club. E. E. Haff, Commodore, H. S. Wells, Vice Commodore, G. H. Fisher, Rear Commodore.
The Amityville Club. Charles O. Ireland, Pres., Charles de Quillfeldt, V. Pres, Rufus J. Ireland, Secy., Emslie J. Heartt, Treas.
Amity Garage. Automobile Accessories and Repair Shop. Corner Merrick Road and Broadway. Tel. Amity 231.
Billy's Service Station. Automotive Supplies. Bayview Ave and Merrick Road. Tel. Connection.
Champion Garage. Al. Warta, Prop. Auto Repairing and Ignithion. 23 Sterling Place. Tel. Connection.
Parthey's Garage. W. Parthey, Prop. Agent for Chevrolet Cars, Service Station, Auto Repairing for all makes of Cars and Accessories. N. Broadway and Harrison Ave. Tel. Amity 33.
Edmund Pollini. Boulevard Garage. Merrick Rd. and Clark's Boulevard. Tel. Amity 166M.
W. Powell & Sons, Inc. Local and Long Distance moving. All goods insured during transportation, Motor Van Service and Storage Warehouses and General Trucking, Taxi Service Sedans & Limousines for Hire. 245 Broadway. Tel. Amity 157.
The Maple Drive Auto Service. S. Meisner, Prop. Auto Accessories, Battery Service, Gasoline and Oil Station on N. Broadway and Maple Drive. Tel. Connection.
Chris Hanson Service Station. Auto Tops and Upholstering, Ajax Tires and Tubes, Auto Accessories, etc. 214 Broadway Tel. Amity 42W.
Noel Georgini. United Trucks Auto Repairing and Accessories Service Station. Richmond Ave. & Merrick Rd. Tel. Connection.
E. S. Van Nostrand. Automobiles and Bicycle Accessories and Supplies. Park Ave. and Ireland Pl. Tel. Amity 238J.
Charles Reitz. Broadway Bakery. 221 Broadway. Tel. Amity 199R.
The First National Bank of Amityville. Officers Charles A. Luce, Pres., John F. Louden, V. Pres., William G. Albertson, V. Pres. Henry Ploch, V. Pres., Percy L. Hall, Cashier, George H. Ashdown, Asst. Cashier. Broadway. Tel. Amity 133.
The Bank of Amityville. Organized 1891. Officers: Solomon Ketcham, Pres. Samuel P. Hildreth, V. Pres., Charles O. Ireland, V. Pres., Emslie J. Heartt, Cashier, Ralph E. Baylis, Asst. Cashier. Tel. Amity 116.
J. Elton Banister. Mason, Builder and General Contractor. N. Broadway. Tel. Amity 117.
James S. Brown. Boat Building and Repairing. 180 Ocean Ave. Tel. Amity 117.
Chris. Haab. Builder and Contractor, Estimates cheerfully furnished. 300 Old Country Rd. Tel. Amity 97W.
Hulse Brothers. Boat Building and Repairing, Motor Overhauled and Installed. Foot of S. Ketcham Ave. Tel. Amity 321W.
Irving Ketcham. Builders and Contractors. Merrick Road and Baldwin Pl. Tel. Amity 504M.
A. W. Lottman, Jr. Builder and Contractor. 121 Ketcham Ave. Tel. Amity 177M.
John Manhassett. Builder and Contractor, Concrete work our specialty. N. Broadway. Tel. Amity 49W.
A. A. Pearsall. Contractor and Builder. 21 Sterling Pl. Tel Amity 128R.
Garrett Busch & Son, Inc. Lumber, Building Material, Coal and Grain. County Line Road and R. R. Track. Tel. Amity 55-58.
The Wood Lumber Co. Lumber, Mason Supplies, Coal and Hardware. Broadway, Sterling Pl. John St. and L. I. R. R. Tel. Amity 16-17.
South Shore Cleaning Co. Shampooing of Rugs and Carpets a specialty, Houses, Hotels, Churches, etc. thoroughly renovated. Fifth Ave., Linderhurst, L. I. Tel. Lindenhurst 7W.
First Methodist Episcopal Church (South). Rev. W. H. Wakeham, D. D. Broadway and Merrick Road.
St. Martin's R. C. Church. Rev. James F. Irwin, Pastor, Union Ave.
St. Mary's Protestant Episcopal Church. Rev. Vedder Van Dyck, Rector. Broadway and Ireland Place.
Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. Frederic Stiehler, Pastor. North Broadway.
Louis Losl. Choice Fruits, Confectionery and Ice Cream. Park Ave. and Ireland Place. Tel. Amity 356.
Amityville Creamery Inc. "The Best Milk and Cream on Long Island." Wellington Place and R. R. Ave. Tel. Amity 385-493.
Parthey's Dairy. For the Best and Purest Milk Farm, (Our Motto) "Nothing Better than the best." North Broadway. Tel. Amity 33.
Frank W. Smith. Department Store. Broadway and Avon Place. Tel. Amity 251.
Weiss Department Store. Clothing and Furnishings, Hosiery, Underwear and Shoes. 188 Park Ave. Tel. Amity 11M.
The Jeanette Shop. Millinery and Ladies' Specialties, Vanity Fair, Silk Lingerie. 193 Broadway. Tel. Amity 647.
W. G. Albertson. Druggist and Pharmacist. Broadway and Greene Ave. Tel. Amity 1.
The Robinson Pharmacy. Ella E. Hand, Prop. Prescription Pharmacist and Kodaks Supplies. 176 Park Ave.
Amityville Electric Construction Co. W. Ramsen Smith, Prop. Electrical Contracting and Supply. 5 Union Ave. Tel. Amity 238R.
William Maul. Electrical Contractor, Work promptly attended to. 6 Greene Ave. Tel. Amity 11J
The Long Island Lighting Co. Broadway, Park Ave., Ireland Pl. Tel. Amity 250.
Amityville Dahlia Gardens. Eugene R. Heim, Prop. Growers of choice Dahlias. Harrison Ave. near North Broadway.
Treadwell Portland. Florist and Garden Plants. Sprague and Albany Aves. Tel. Amity 42J.
A. B. Wiley. Florist. Cut Flowers and Design work for all occasions. North Broadway. Tel. Amity 315R.
F. B. Powell & Son. Funeral Directors. 230 Broadway. Tel. Amity 172 and 374 W.
Francis A. White. Funeral Home and Chapel. 24 Mill Street.
John J. Dempsey. Fruits and Produce. Amityville's only Fruit Store. Broadway and Oak St. Tel. Amity 541.
S. G. Foster. General Repair work of every description, filing, sharpening and grinding of Lawn Mowers, Tools, etc. 2 Park Place. Tel. Connection.
William Lieblang. Hay, Grain, and Poultry Supply. 187 Broadway. Tel. Amity 320J.
Frank Maresca. Complete Housefurnishing Store, 201 Broadway. Tel. Amity 40.
F. J. Nienburg. Paints, Hardware and House furnishing. 196 Broadway. Tel. Amity 50.
Farmingdale Individual Laundry Service, Inc. Wet Wash, Thrifty Service and Float Iron. Tel. Farmingdale L. I.
John Schutte. Manufacturer of Pocketbooks. 101 Ketcham Ave.
M. Cvitkovich. Manufacturer of genuine Meerschaum Pipes and Amber Goods, Fancy Tubes of all kinds. 53 Elm Place.
The Public Market. Meats & Poultry. Broadway. Tel. Amity 265
Standard Oil Company of New York. "Socony Petroleum Products" County Line Road and L. I. R. R.
De Kay. Real Estate. Merrick Road. Tel. Amity 478.
Ketcham & Colyer, Inc. Insurance in all branches. Broadway and Park Ave. Tel. Amity 198.
Albert F. Laegen. Real Estate and Business Broker. 148 Merrick Road. Tel. Amity 231-257W.
J. P. Le Brun. General Insurance. Merrick Rd. Tel. Amity 478.
Adam C. Molle. Real Estate. Richmond Ave and Riverleigh Pl.
Henry Ploch. Real Estate. First National Bank Bldg. Tels. Amity Office 376, Residence 331.
Henry B. Ranken. Realtor, 165 Broadway. Tel. Amity 461.
Unqua Agency, Inc. Nothing but Insurance. First National Bank Bldg., Amityville. Tel. Amity 376.
The Amity Restaurant. Quinn and Lapa, Props. Chicken and Duck Dinners our specialty, Furnished Room accomodation. Merrick Rd. and Broadway. Tel. Amity 533.
Haff Roofing Company. Roofings of any material furnished and applied "Asbestos a specialty." Sterling Pl. and Birch Ave.
Barnett Seldeen. Stationery, Newspapers, Magazines, Candy and Cigars, also Radio Outfits. Broadway opposite Oak St.
Sam's Tailor Shop. Sam Bendersky, Prop. Ladies' and Gent's Tailor and Furrier. French Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing and Dyeing. 134 Broadway. Tel. Amity 535W.
Richard Viets. Merchant Tailor, French Dry Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Broadway and Avon Pl. Tel. Amity 267R-468W.
Lewis Haff. Teaming, Truckking, Excavating, etc., Trucks for Hire. 146 Sterling Pl. Tel. Amity 267-464
Louden and Kinckerbocker Halls. Private Sanitariums. Division Ave. Tel. Amity 53.
The Brunnswick Home. Dr. C. L. Markham, Physician in charge. Private Sanitarium. Broadway & Division Ave.
The Doctor Reed Private Hospital. Private Hospital. 52 Park Ave., Amityville, N. Y. Tel. Amity 542.
The Amityville Sun. Paul Bailey, Prop. Broadway Post Office Bldg. Tel. Amity 253.
The Record. Charles F. Delano. Greene Ave. Tel. Amity 77.
Archival Paper

Premium fine art paper that provides accurate color reproduction with high-contrast, high-resolution print output and maximum image permanence. A high-quality print ready for framing.
- Museum quality paper for high-quality fine art.
- Ultra smooth, neutral white matte finish.
- Heavy-weight 230 gsm, 9.5 mil thickness.
- Printed with pigment inks for longer print life and enhanced fade resistance.
- Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
Luster Photo Paper

A premium semi-gloss photo paper with a subtle texture that produces a vivid, richly detailed print. This material results in an exquisitely detailed giclee print of substantially higher quality than a standard poster.
- Printed on 10 mil premium luster photo paper resulting in a brilliant, colorful image with a vivid life-like quality.
- Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
- Inks have a lightfastness rating of over 100 years, guaranteeing minimal noticeable fading over a very long period of time.
- Printed using very high resolution source files.
- Giclee printing is superior to traditional lithography in a number of ways: colors are brighter, lasts longer, and is a higher resolution.
Canvas on Wood Rails

A canvas giclee print is mounted to wooden hanging rails placed along the top and bottom of the map. Ready to hang on the wall using the attached hanging cord. Wood rails feature a natural finish.
- Premium 19 mil canvas material.
- Wood rails are 1 1/8" wide, round front.
- USA sourced solid maple wood.
- High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
- Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
Canvas Gallery Wrap

A high quality canvas giclee print is hand stretched over a sturdy wood frame. Printed on demand and handcrafted in Seattle, WA. The canvas gallery wrap serves as a stunning piece of art ready to hang on your wall.
- Premium 19 mil canvas material.
- Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
- High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
- Durable canvas mounted to a 1" deep wood frame.
- Ready to hang with included easy-to-use hanging kit.
Framed - Black Finish

Our gallery quality frames are made of solid wood and feature optical-grade acrylic. Each framed map is printed on premium archival matte fine art paper.
- Printed on thick, luxurious acid-free fine art paper & dry-mounted to foam board.
- Pigment inks ensure a vivid print with amazing colors and excellent fade resistance.
- Solid wood frame with a black finish has a 1.25" face & 7/8" depth.
- Kraft paper protective backing & hanging wire installed.
Framed - Natural Oak Finish

Our gallery quality frames are made of solid wood and feature optical-grade acrylic. Each framed map is printed on premium archival matte fine art paper.
- Printed on thick, luxurious acid-free fine art paper & dry-mounted to foam board.
- Pigment inks ensure a vivid print with amazing colors and excellent fade resistance.
- Solid wood frame with a natural oak finish has a 1.25" face & 7/8" depth.
- Kraft paper protective backing & hanging wire installed.

Made In The USA

School Purchase Orders