bay |
part of a larger body of water that look like a gulf, but is usually smaller
change |
to make something different
city |
a place where many people live and work
city population symbol |
shows where the city is located and about how many people live there
coastline |
where the water touches the land
community |
larger than a neighborhood, it takes a number of neighborhoods to make up a community
compass rose |
a direction finder drawn on maps
continent |
the largest land areas. The seven continents are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America
country |
an area of land where people live under one government. The United States is a country.
country boundary symbol |
a line drawn on a map that shows where the territory of one country begins and another ends
country capital |
a special city in each country where the government leaders meet to do their work
desert |
a region with very little rainfall
east |
to the right of a person standing on the Earth facing the North Pole
Equator |
a line drawn on maps and globes that is halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole
forest |
a growth of trees covering a large area
globe |
a model of the Earth
gulf |
a part of a larger body of water, usually an ocean or a sea. A gulf makes an indentation in the coastline.
hill |
a piece of land that is higher than the land around it, but not as high as a mountain
intermediate directions |
those direction found halfway between the mail directions of north, south, east, and west
island |
a body of land completely surrounded by water
job |
the type of work a person does
lake |
a body of water completely surrounded by land
land elevation |
the height of the land above the surface of the ocean
main directions |
north, south, east, and west
map |
a drawing of someplace on the Earth
map grid system |
a series of crossing lines used to find places on maps
map legend |
the place on the map that explains the meaning of the symbols
map scale |
used to measure distance between places on a map
mountain |
a piece of land that rises high above the land around it
natural feature |
something not made by people. Examples would be trees, mountains, and rivers.
natural resource |
the land and water features of the Earth that are used to meet a need
need |
something people must have
neighborhood |
a place where people live close to one another
north |
toward the North Pole
northeast |
halfway between north and east
North Pole |
the place on the Earth that is the farthest north
northwest |
halfway between north and west
ocean |
the largest water areas. The four oceans are the Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific
peninsula |
a piece of land with water on three sides
people made features |
something that is made by peoples. Examples would be cars, buildings, and streets
physical map |
a map that shows land elevations
plain |
an almost level area of land
plateau |
a flat piece of land with a high land elevation
political map |
a map that shows political division, such as states of the Unites States or countries of the world
pollution |
when your surroundings are unsafe and dirty
resource |
something people use to meet a need
river |
a large stream of water that flows through the land
river mouth |
a place where a river empties into another body of water
river source |
the place where a river begins
rural |
describes a place where few people live and work
sea |
a large body of salt water, smaller than an ocean
south |
toward the South Pole, opposite north
southeast |
halfway between the south and east
South Pole |
the place on the earth that is farthest south
southwest |
halfway between south and west
state |
an area of land that is part of our country. There are fifty states in the United States
state boundary symbol |
a line drawn on a map showing where the territory of one state begins and another ends
state capital |
a city in each state where leaders meet who work for the government
suburb |
a neighborhood away from the downtown area
symbol |
a drawing, line or dot that stands for something else
town |
a small community, smaller that a city
traffic |
the movement of cars, vans, buses, and trucks on streets and highways
transportation |
the movement of people or products from place to place
United States Map |
a map showing all fifty states
urban |
describes a downtown area of a city
valley |
a long, low place between hills or mountains
west |
to the left of a person standing on the Earth facing the North Pole
work |
the activity a person does for which they get paid
World map |
a map that shows the entire world
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