Historic Map - Buffalo, NY - 1902
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Buffalo, Erie Co., N.Y.
Reproduction panorama view of Buffalo, New York, created and published by Landis & Alsop in 1902. Buffalo, located on the eastern shores of Lake Erie near the head of the Niagara River, was a small trading community, before the Erie Canal opened with Buffalo at its western terminus in 1825. This enabled Buffalo to grow and prosper and by 1902 it was a major port city and manufacturing center.
The map from 1902 shows railway routes and includes complete street guide.
Features illustrations or photographs of the following locations:
- United States Tube Co.
- Matthews Building
- Lake View Brewing Co.
- "The Review" Building
- St. Mary of Sorrows Catholic Church
- Blecher & Kratz Co.
- Beals & Co.
- Reinecke & Zesch Co.
- Theodore Hofeller & Co.
- Daniel Burgmaster Co.
- Allen Carpet Cleaning Co.
- T. & E. Dickenson & Co.
- Wurster Wagon Works
- St. Joseph's Cathedral, St. Joseph's Hall, St. Mary's Convent
- Holy Angels Church, School, Rectory
- Hotel Broezel
- Buffalo Wire Works
- Flint & Kent
- James A. Campbell Insurance Co.
- Our Lady of Victory's Care
- Bryant & Stratton's Business College
- St. Anna Kirche
- Angola, NY Factory
- Vosburgh & Whiting Co.
- Theatre
- Genesee Hotel
- Hersee & Co.
- Buffalo Musical Instrument Co.
- Standard Lumber Co.
- St. Bonifacius Kirche
- Howard H. Baker & Co.
- Wm. Simon Brewery
- Buffalo Cement Co., Ltd.
- A. Hoefner & Sons Soap Works
- J. Prentiss & Co.
- Montgomery Door and Box Co.
- The R. Laidlaw Lumber Co.
- G. M. Zimmermann Lumber Co.
- G. Elias & Bro. Lumber Co.
- B. Brady Lumber Co.
- Collins Baking Co.
- The R. Ovens Bakery of National Biscuit Co.
- German-American Brewing Co.
- Riehmann-Robson Co.
- Mixer & Co.
- Canisius College
- Buffalo Box Factory
- Empire Metallic Bedstead Co.
- Peerless Wall Plaster Mills
- Standard Plaster Co.
- Buffalo Sewer Pipe Co.
- The Kirk Printing Co.
- Niagara Hotel
- Caton's School of Business
- H. A. Meldrum Co.
- J. G. Gates & Son
- Church of the Annunciation
- Locations of points of interest include:
- Board of Trade
- Buffalo Hospital
- Buffalo University
- City Hall
- Coit Slip
- Commercial Slip
- Deaconess Home
- Deaf and Dumb Institute
- Dun Building
- Ellicott Square
- Evans SlipFort Porter
- Public Library
- Milburn House
- Morgan Building
- Mooney Brisbane Building
- Mutual Life Building
- Orphan Asylum
- Pecks Slip
- Penitentiary
- Post Office
- Providence Retreat
- Prudential Building
- Richmond Slip
- St. Josephs Academy
- St. Mary's Convent
- Skinners Slip
- Academy Theatre
- Court St. Theatre
- Shea's Garden Theatre
- Star Theatre
- Teck Theatre
- White Building
- Y. M. C. A.
The map from 1902 includes business guide to the following:
- Acme Steel & Mal. Iron Works
- Aldrich Mfg. Co.
- American Car & Foundry Co.
- American Farm Co.
- American Linseed Co., Pres. G. G. Major, Mgr. F. S. Elder.
- American School Furniture Co.
- Asphalt & Cement Companies
- Barber Asphalt & Cement Co.
- German Rock Asphalt & Cement Co.
- Attorneys at Law
- Bissell, Carey & Cooke, 558 Ellicott Sq.
- Bowen, Millard F., 590 Main
- Geardon, M. A., Mooney-Brisbane Bldg.
- Sheldon, Theo. B.. 485 Ellicott Sq.
- Westwood, Herman J., 797 Ellicott Sq.
- Bakeries
- Collins Baking Co., 376-86 Michigan St.
- Mugridge Baking Co., Elk & Illinois
- Ovens Bakery, The R. Nat. Bis. Co., 2147 Ellicott St.
- Bell Engineering Works, Gen. Founders & Machinists
- Bing & Nathan, Furniture
- Breweries
- Beck's Magnus Brewery
- German American Brewing Co.
- Buffalo Co-Operative Brewing Co.
- Lake View Brewing Co.
- Gerhard Lang Brewing Co.
- Wm. Simon
- The International Co-Op Brewing Co.
- The Lion Brewery
- Weyland's Brewery
- Buffalo Belting Works
- Buffalo Carriage Co.
- Buffalo Car Wheel Co.
- Buffalo Car Wheel Foundry Co.
- Buffalo Cement Co., Office 110 Franklin St, James P. Wood, V. P. & Treasurer, Plant
- Buffalo Dry Docks
- Buffalo Foundry Supply Co., 339 to Babcock St., President, J. A. Heinsheimer
- Buffalo Furnace Co.
- Buffalo Glue Works, Brad. J. Cilley
- Buffalo Lounge Co.
- Buffalo Musical Instrument Co., Jewett Ave and Belt Line, Manufacturer of Piano Players
- Buffalo Pail & Barrel Factory
- Buffalo Pitts Co., (Agricultural Implements)
- Buffalo Planing Mills
- Buffalo Saving Bank, Main and Huron, President, Spencer Clinton
- Buffalo Scale Co.
- Buffalo Sewer Pipe Co.
- Buffalo Smelting Works
- Buffalo Spring & Gear Co.
- Buffalo Stamping Works
- Buffalo Cold Storage Co.
- Buffalo & Niagara Falls Traction Co.
- Buffalo Wire Works
- Buffalo Planing Mill
- Bullymore, J. H. & R. Jr., Maltsters
- The Bryant & Stratton Business College, Business College, 95-99 W. Genesee St.
- Carpet Cleaning & Rug Weaving Co., Alexander Allen & Co., 426 Pearl St.
- Carpets, Draperies & Furniture, D. E. Morgan Son & Allen Co., 636-42 Main St.
- Carroll, W. E. S. & Co.
- Cary Safe Co.
- Canisius College
- Coal Docks and Trestles
- D. L. & W.
- Erie
- Lehigh Valley
- P. & R.
- Picklands, Mather & Co.
- Frank Williams & Co., office, 704 Mooney Building, dock and trestle
- Contractors Plant
- Cold Storage
- Arctic Ice & Cold Storage, 127 Fillmore Ave, President Ed. Beck, Vice President, A. Machworth ; Secretary, A. Schelling ; Treasurer R. F. Schelling ; Mgr, John Krausch
- Buffalo Cold Storage
- Courier Co.
- Custom Tailors & Importers, Kempner & Co., D. S. Morgan Building
- The Danahy Packing Co.,
- DeLaney Forge & Iron Works
- Dickinson, T. & E. & Co., 254 Main St., Sterling Silver-plated ware, Diamonds, Watches, etc.
- Michael F. Dirnberger, 404-406 Broadway, Undertaker & Embalmer
- Jacob Dold Packing Co.
- C. M. Doll (Buggies, etc.)
- Dopp & Son, Kettles and Vacuum pans
- Dry Goods
- Adams
- Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co., the American Block, 396-408 Main St
- Flint & Kent, 544-562 Main St.
- Wm. Hengerer & Co.
- H. A. Meldrum & Co., 460-470 Main St.
- Siegrist & Fraley
- Eagle Iron Works
- Electric City Engine Co., Glasgow Bros
- Elevators
- Bennett Elevator
- City Elevators, A. & B.
- Coatsworth Elevator
- Dakota Elevator, Buffalo Elevator Co., Office 68 Board of Trade. George S. Gatchell, Mgr. J. M. Bradford, Sec. & Treasurer Elevator
- Erie Elevator
- Evans Elevator, Mgr. of Estate, G. Hunter Bartlett, Office 2 White Bldg., Elevator
- Export Elevator
- Electric Elevator
- Frontier Elevator
- Great Eastern Elevator Co., J. W. Daniels, Pres., G. G. Major, V. P., F. S. Elder, Sec. & Treasurer
- Great Northern Elevator
- Husted Milling & Elevator Co.
- International Elevator
- Lyon, The Elevator
- Marine Elevator
- Niagara Elevators, A. & B.
- The Ontario
- Queen City Elevator Co.
- Spencer Kellogg & Co.
- Swift & Sure
- Thornton & Chester Milling Co., Office Board of Trade. Plant 212 Erie
- The Union Transfer
- Watson Exchange Elevator Co., H. D. Watson, Mgr., Office 54 Board of Trade, Elevator
- West Shore Elevator
- Wheeler Elevator
- Empire Bridge Works
- Empire Metallic Bedstead Co., 24 Churchill St. E. C. Barnes, President
- Erie County Bank
- Erie R. R. Shops
- Farrar & Trefts, Iron Foundry
- Fisher Malting Co.
- Flierl & Reimann, Planing Mills
- Foote, W. H. (Oil)
- Frontier Malt House
- Furniture
- Bing & Nathan, Main & Mohawk
- A. Cutler & Son
- Chas. F. Doll, 447 Washington
- Hersee & Co., 303-311 Ellicott St.
- Gates & Son, J. G. Mfg. & Dealers in Granite & Marble Monuments, Ref.
- Gas Companies
- Buffalo Gas Co., office, 186-188 Main St.
- The Buffalo Natural Gas Co., 253 Washington St.
- Gas Lighting & Heating, Buffalo Lighting Co. 15 Niagara St. and 67 W. Chippewa St.
- German-American Bank, 428 Main St.
- General Chemical Co., Buffalo Works
- Graft & Roberts
- Granger W. H. & Co.
- J. I. Prentiss & Co., Michigan & Perry
- H. O. Mills
- Hager & Sons
- Hardware
- Steel Nails, Carriage Hardware and Woodwork, Tools and Supplies for R. R. Mfg. and Contractors, Beals & Co.
- Henry Smith & Voss
- Theo. Hoefeller & Co., 100 Terrace. Dealer in old metals, Rubber Rope, Woolen rags, Paper stock, etc.
- Francis L. Hoff, Investments and Loans, Erie County Bank Building
- Hoffman Oil Co.
- G. A. Hosmer & Co.
- Husted Milling & El. Co., office, Board of Trade, Plant
- Howard Forge & Iron Works
- Hotels
- Albany, 135 Main
- Arlington, 134 Exchange
- Broezel, one block from principal R. R. stations, John E. Boldt
- Villa & Cafe, Oak and N. Division, D. E. W. Burch
- Iroquois, cor. Main & Eagle
- Moeller House, Scott & Main
- Tifft Hose, Main St.
- The Genesee, Main & Genesee, Carey
- The Lennox, North St.
- The Niagara, Porter Ave and 7th Buffalo Hotel Co.
- Howard & Roberts, Boiler Works
- Ice Companies
- Buffalo Silver Lake Ice Co., office, 224 Ellicott Square, Plant
- Carlton
- Cassadagua Lake Ice Co.
- Citizens Ice Co.
- Hopkins
- Sullivan
- E. Webster & Son Co., office, 201 Ellicott Square, Plant
- Insurance
- James A. Campbell, 11 Niagara St.
- Harrison H. Follinsbee, 47 W. Swan
- John S. Kellner, 9 Niagara St
- William J. Nieman, 488 Main St.
- Russell H. Potter, 205 D. S. Morgan Building
- Worthington & Sill, 8 & 9 Board of Trade Building
- Investments and Loans
- Francis L. Hoff, Erie Co. Bank Building
- E. H. Sentell, 485 Ellicott Square
- Iroquois Iron Works
- Jewett Refrigerator Co.
- Jewett & Co., Stoves
- Kam, Maltsters
- H. A. Kamman
- A. Krauss
- J. B. King & Co.
- King Iron Works
- King Springs Co.
- LaDue-Tate Mfg. Co.
- Lake Erie Boiler Works
- Lake Erie Engineering Works
- Langner Milling Co., 775 Seneca St.
- Laub & Son, Tannery
- Lithographers
- Matthews, Northrop & Co.
- Hayes Lithographic Co.,
- G. H. Dunston
- Livery, Boarding, Coach & Coupe Stables.
- E. B. Allen, 269 Michigan St.
- Miller's Livery
- D. Danahy & Sons
- Loans, E. H. Sentell, 485 Ellicott Square
- Lumber Merchants
- Chas. A. Betts & Co.
- Chas. Boller & Sons
- B. Brady, Seneca St.
- G. Elias, & Bro.
- Empire Lumber Co.
- Manberg & George Holland, foot of Hertel avenue
- Hurd & Haunstein, Office 850 Ellicott Square
- Hurd Bros.
- The R. Laidlaw Lumber Co., Ohio Basin
- D. Y. Leslie, 92 River St.
- H. M. Loud & Son Co.
- J. Metz
- Hugh McLean & Co., Seneca St
- Mixer & Co., 287 Elk St.
- Montgomery Door & Box Co., Court and Wilkinson Sts.
- J. S. Noytes, 321 Ganson
- Sawyer & Shuttleworth
- Standard Lumber Co.
- J. N. Stewart
- Taylor & Crate, Office 269 Elk St
- O. E. Yeager
- George M. Zimmermann, Office 309 Pine St.
- Maer & Son
- Manhattan Spirit Co., 4th and Penn.
- Machwirth Bros. & Co.
- Mfg. of Marine, Stationary, and Portable Boilers, Howard & Roberts. 21-27 Indiana
- Mfg. of Wood Mantles, Riehman, Robson Co., 19-21 Tonawanda
- M'f'rs and Traders Bank, 270 Main
- N. Matthews Co., Buffalo Express, and Matthews-Northrup Works, 179 Washington St.
- C. H. McCutchen
- McDougall White Lead Co.
- McKinnon Dash Co., 252 Amherst
- McLean Box Factory
- McLennan-French Paint Co.
- The James M. Merritt Co.
- Miners and Shippers of Coal and Coke ; Frank Williams & Co. Office, 704 Mooney Building, Plant
- Minnesota Ore Co.
- Moffat Malt House
- NEWSPAPERS - Aurora & Christliche Woche, 131 B'd'y, John D. Wieckmann, M'g'r
- Buffalo Express, Matthews-Northrup & Co., 179 Washington St.
- Buffalo Review Co., Review Building, 45 South Division St.
- Buffalo Tribune, 352 Ellicott St, Reinecke & Zesch
- Catholic Union & Times, St. Stephen's Hall, Erie & Frankin Sts.
- Christian Outlook, 457 Washington St, McGerald Publishing Co.
- Courier, 250 Main St, W. J. Conners
- News, 216 Main St., J. A. Butler
- The Democrat, 250 Main St.
- The Buffalo Commercial, J. D. Warrren's Sons
- The Inquirer, 250 Main St.
- The Evangel, 315 Washington Ave, Scranton, Pa., Mrs. H. L. Peabody
- Times, Norman E. Mack, 193-195 Main St.
- Niagara Machine and Tool Works
- Notary Public, William J. Nieman
- Noyes Mfg. Co.
- Nugent's Russian and Turkish Baths, 74 Ellicott St.
- Photo Engravers, Electric City Engraving Co., 570 Washington Glasgow Bros.
- Dr. Pierce
- Pierce's American Radiator Co.
- Plumber's Supplies, Hamill, D. L. Manufacturer and Jobber of Plumber Supplies, 60-62 Delaware Ave, 97-107 West Eagle
- W. G. & L. H. Pratt
- Pratt & Letchworth Co.
- PRINTERS - Buffalo Freie Presse, 352 Ellicott St, Reinecke & Zesch
- The Kirk Printing Co., 71-73 West Eagle St.
- J. J. Lanzel, 489 Broadway
- J. T. Lynam, 335 Washington St
- Matthews-Northrup Works, 170 Washington St
- McMillan & Co., 15 Niagara St.
- The White-Evans-Penfold Co., 302-304 Main St.
- G. M. Hausauer & Son, 45 North Division St. also Bookmaking
- Whiting-Shattuck Co., 274-76 Main
- Pullman Car Works
- The George A. Ray Mfg. Co.
- REAL ESTATE - James A. Campbell, 11 Niagara St.
- Depew Improvement Co., George K. M. Clarke, Sales Agent 485 Ellicott Square
- Harrison H. Folinsbee, 47 Swan St.
- Francis L. Hoff, Erie Co. Bank Bldg
- A. S. Leach, 435 Ellicott Square
- Jerome S. Moore, 110 Pearl St.
- Russell H. Potter, 205 Morgan Bldg.
- Queen City Abstract Co., 110 Franklin St.
- E. H. Sentell, 485 Ellicott Square
- M. A. Reeb, Cement, Lime, Plaster Paris, Hair, Office and Warerooms, 599 Michigan St, Mills
- Reuling & Trier, Contractors and Builders, Planing Mill
- Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal & Iron
- Josiah Ross
- J. Ruger Mfg. Co.
- Sahlen & Roland Packing House
- Scheu's Malt House
- Caton's School of Business, Main, Huron & Pearl
- Schoellkopf, Hartford & Hanna Co.
- J. F. Schoellkopf's Sons, 50-54 Hudson St, J. Russ (Leather)
- Schoellkopf & Co., (Leather)
- Sewer Pipes and Fire-proof Construction, Buffalo Sewer Pipe Co., Black Rock, N. C. Barnum & Co.
- John Lyth & Son, Yard and Warehouse, Cor. Hamburg and Scott streets ; office, 48 Eagle St.
- Ship Chandlers, Baker, Howard H. & Co., 18-26 Terrace
- Buffalo Ship Chandlery & Supply Co., H. H. Smith, Mgr, 11-13 Main
- Sidney Shepard
- Sikes Chair Co.
- Snow Steam Pump Works
- SOAP MANUFACTURERS, Gowan & Sons, Harris, Howard and Stetson streets.
- A. Hoefner & Sons, Van Rensselaer and Exchange Sts.
- Larkin's, Cor. Seneca and Larkin
- Spencer, Kellogg & Spencer
- Standard Oil Co., Atlas Works
- Standard Radiator Co.
- Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, Engravers and Binders, Vosburgh, & Whiting Co., 255-257 Main St. and 260 Washington St.
- Steam and Hot Water Heating Contractors, Burgomaster, Daniel, North Division St
- Steamboat and Engineers' Supplies, McCutcheon, C. H., 18-22 Ohio, Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Mfg.
- Steul & Thuman, Wood Mantels
- Stockholm Restaurant and Annex, Carl Freden, 80 E. Eagle St and 65 Oak St.
- Storage Batteries, National Battery Co., 366-382 Massachusettes Ave, Joseph P. Devine
- Stuhlmiller Mantel Works
- The Brunn Carriage Mfg.
- The Buffalo Box Factory, Office, 222-242 Perry St, James Fenton, Proprietor
- The Builders' Planing Mill Co., 187 Michigan St
- The Buffalo Cement Co.
- The Buffalo Weaving Co.
- The Clark Mfg. Co.
- The Erie County Savings Bank of Buffalo, President, David R. Morse, Erie County Bank Building
- The Haines Mfg. Co.
- The New England Dressed Meat and Wool Co., 18 Live Stock Ex.
- The Niagara Pedal Co., 297-301 Niagara St
- The J. W. Ruger Mfg. Co.
- The U. S. Pipe, Cast Iron Co.
- The U. S. Tube Co.
- Tindle & Jackson, 1318-1328 Niagara St, Slack Cooperage Stock
- H. G. Trout, (King Iron Works), Mfg of Marine Engines, 226 Ohio
- Walbridge & Co., Hardware and Sporting Goods, 392-394 Main
- Washington Iron Works, Broadway and Pratt Sts., J. Ginther Sons
- Weppner's Packing House
- West Mfg. Co.
- Weed & Co., Hardware, SPorting Goods, etc., White Bldg.
- The L. & I. J. Co. White
- Wire Workds, Sheeler's Sons, 316-320 Terrace, Buffalo Wire Works
- Wurster Wagon Works, Mfg. Carriages, Buggies, Wagons and Sleighs
- M. Zeis & Sons, 200 Cherry St.
Archive Paper
Premium fine art paper that provides accurate color reproduction with high-contrast, high-resolution print output and maximum image permanence. A high-quality print ready for framing.
- Museum quality paper for high-quality fine art.
- Ultra smooth, neutral white matte finish.
- Heavy-weight 230 gsm, 9.5 mil thickness.
- Printed with pigment inks for longer print life and enhanced fade resistance.
- Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
Luster Photo Paper
A premium semi-gloss photo paper with a subtle texture that produces a vivid, richly detailed print. This material results in an exquisitely detailed giclee print of substantially higher quality than a standard poster.
- Printed on 10 mil premium luster photo paper resulting in a brilliant, colorful image with a vivid life-like quality.
- Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
- Inks have a lightfastness rating of over 100 years, guaranteeing minimal noticeable fading over a very long period of time.
- Printed using very high resolution source files.
- Giclee printing is superior to traditional lithography in a number of ways: colors are brighter, lasts longer, and is a higher resolution.
Canvas on Wood Rails
A canvas giclee print is mounted to wooden hanging rails placed along the top and bottom of the map. Ready to hang on the wall using the attached hanging cord. Wood rails feature a natural finish.
- Premium 19 mil canvas material.
- Wood rails are 1 1/8" wide, round front.
- USA sourced solid maple wood.
- High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
- Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
Canvas Gallery Wrap
A high quality canvas giclee print is hand stretched over a sturdy wood frame. Printed on demand and handcrafted in Seattle, WA. The canvas gallery wrap serves as a stunning piece of art ready to hang on your wall.
- Premium 19 mil canvas material.
- Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
- High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
- Durable canvas mounted to a 1" deep wood frame.
- Ready to hang with included easy-to-use hanging kit.