The city of Hailey was founded in 1881, and became the first city in the state to have an electric light system, as well as the first telephone exchange. This beautiful map provides a look back to the early beginnings of the city. Complete reference list below.
Map includes the following booster statement:
Wood River.
The Wood River Valley is located near the center of Alturas County, Idaho Territory, in the heart of an immense Mining and fine Agricultural District. Its easily developed and well-paying mines have attracted the attention of capitalists, and the out-put of mining camps, only in their infancy, support not only several good-sized towns with thriving business men located to stay; but a long and finely equipped line of railroad, built by the sagacity and enterprise of the Union Pacific Railway. It is certainly a poor man's paradise. Mines that pay from the grass roots. Thousands of acres of land produced fabulous crops with ordinary cultivation, and a home market paying good prices and steady demand. Hailey, the town shown in the foreground of the accompanying lithograph, is the most popular and thriving town in the Wood River Valley. In every thing it is abreast of the times, and its steady growth will, in a time not far distant, place it among the largest cities of the North-West.
Features numbered & lettered references to the following locations:
1. County Court House ; brick and stone ; cost, $45,000.
2. Strahorn Hotel. Brick.
3. Merchant's Hotel.
4. Hailey Hotel. Stone Building.
5. Nevada House.
6. K.M.C.B. Brick Block.
7. The United States Land Office.
8. Post Office and Pacific Express.
9. "Bullion Block." First Brick Building on Wood River.
10. Office of Wood River News Miner. Brick Block.
11. Hailey Theatre.
12. School House. Brick.
13. New Passenger Depot. Stone Building.
14. Catholic Church.
15. Strahorn Block. Brick.
16. Wood River Times Building.
17. "Inter-Idaho" Office.
18. The first building in Hailey.
19. The Idaho Forwarding Company's Warehouses.
20. The Hailey Iron Works. Branch of Colorado Iron Works.
21. Copper Smelter.
22. Hailey Sampling Works. Capacity, 250 tons per day.
23. Oregon Short Line Railway. The model road of the NW.
24. Quigley Gulch.
25. Quigley's Ranch.
26. Camas Prairie, 15 miles from Hailey.
A- Croy Gulch, named after C.P. Croy, first settler
B- Smith's Mineral Hot Springs, the great health restorative resort of the northwest. One and one-half miles from Hailey. J.L.G. Smith, proproetor.
C- Lamb's Milk Ranch. The first log cabin built on Wood River ; built by C.P. Croy in the fall of 1879.
D- Gillman City, a small town at the mouth of Bullion Canon.
E- Bullion, location of some of Wood River's largest mines.
F- Rowe's Saw Mill.
G- Bullion Road.
H- Board's Planing and Saw Mill.
J- C.P.Croy's present ranch.
K- Belle Isle Mine.
L- Carbonate Hill.
M- Foot of Della Mountain.
N- Deer Creek, another large mining district.
O- Bledsoe's Ranch.
P- Continuation of Wood River Valley Road
Q- A few peaks of the Sawtooth Range, a large mineral district 60 miles from Hailey.
R- East fork of Wood River. "Fine Mines."
S- Timber Gulch.
T- Greenhorn Gulch.
U- Hailey Concentrating Works.
V- Alturas Water Company's Reservoir.
W- Tucker's Ranch and Indian Creek.
X- Gimlet City and large R.R. Bridge.
Y- Idaho & Oregon Land Improvement Co.'s Ditch.
Z- Hailey Race Track.