Historic Map - Hicksville, NY - 1925

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1925 aero-view of Hicksville, Long Island, Nassau County, New York.

Reproduction aero-view map of Hicksville, New York, drawn by Rene Cinquin and published by Metropolitan Aero-View Co. in 1925. The Hicksville, Nassau County, Long Island town booster statement reads:

 "A progressive country village of 5,000; a commuters home town with city facilities; located within 25 miles of the New York Central and Pennsylvania R. R. Station N. Y. City and the Flatbush Ave. R. R. Station Brooklyn; situated on the Main Line and the Wading-River Branch of the Long Island R. R; 49 minutes from the heart of the city; 20 trains to city daily; a short distance from the Nassau County Court House and Fair Grounds at Mineola; the Meadow Brook Club and Salisbury Golf Links at Westbury; centrally located between Long Island Sound and the Great South Bay, altitude 168 feet above sea level, thus assuring pure air and perfect drainage. Its educational system includes a Union Free School, a new Junior-Senior High School, a Parochial School, a School Playground of Fifteen Acres, Additional features; our own Newspaper, Municipal Water Plant, Ice Plant, Electric Light and Power Plant, Gas Service, Large Department Stores, Fine Churches of all denominations, Auditorium, Gymnasium, Opera House, Fire Department with city equipment, up to date Garbage Removal System, Clubs and Lodges of all kinds, a National and a State Bank, a Building and Loan Association. Inspection Invited. Further Information and Literature furnished on request."

The map from the 1925 shows railway line, buildings and clearly labeled street names.

Features inset illustrations of the following locations:

Residence of Henry Graf
Residence of Henry Rohrbach
Residence of Henry Done
Residence of William Braun
Residence of E. H. deLanquilette
Residence of William Kloenne
Residence and Store of Dr. Edw. G. Rave
Charles G. Voigt & Son, Undertakers
F. Herzog & Son, General Merchandise
German Lutheran School House
Grand Central Hotel
Hicksville Brewery
Agricultural Hall
Catholic Church and Parsonage
Fred C. Hartmann, Coal & Wood
Henry J. Weickmann Co.
Eveready Garage
W. H. Frost, Ice Depot
R. Kueken, Florist
Dennino & Co., Ice & Coal
G. A. Wagner, Builder & Contractor
Miracle Tire Repair Shop
Louis Krause, Florist
Just-Rite Bakery
Auto-Electric Co., Hicksville Garage
Hicksville Ice & Coal Co.
Samuel Albert, Furniture

The map also shows lists Hicksville business people and places:

E. A. Van Slyke, Principal and Superintendent.
Hicksville Junior and Senior High School.
Union Free School.
Parochial School.

Otto J. Christ, Pres., Joseph Donati, Secy.

Fountain N. Taliaferro, Pres., Morris Friedman, Secy.

William E. Baker Co., Dodge Brothers Motor Vehicles. Tel. Hicks 355. 11 Jericho Road.
Eveready Garage. Harvey Wenner, Prop. Tel. Hicks 338. Broadway and Old Country Road.
Auto Electric Co. R. M. McCormack. Official Sales and Service for Starting and Ignition Systems. Willard Storage Battery. Tel. Hicks 375. 34 Jericho Road.
Hicksville Garage. Paul A. Schmidt, Prop. U. S. Tires and Tubes. Tel. Hicks 139. 34 Jericho Road
Hicksville Motor Sales Co. C. A. Reinhard, Prop. Lincoln-Ford-Fordson, Cars, Trucks and Tractors. Auto Accessories and Implements. Tel. Hicks 83. 134 Broadway.
Miracle Tire Repair Shop. Chris Rohrbach, Prop. Vulcanizing. Auto Accessories. Goodrich, Dayton, Fisk Tires. Tel. Hicks 404. 66 Jericho Rd.
Joseph Rohback. Garage and Auto Repairs. Studebaker Service. Tel. Hicks 394. 172 Broadway.
Robinson & Stevens, Inc. Agency for Willys-Knight and Overland. Federal and Brockway Trucks. Tel. Hicks 347. 24 East Barclay St.
Sunrise Trail Motors. M. Friedman, Prop. Hudson-Essex Cars. Tel. Hicks 313. 167 Broadway.
James Hughes. Day and Night Taxi Service. 16 Herzog Place.
Fred Schaeffler. "Service-All-ways". Exide Batteries. Auto Ignition Service. Tel. Hicks 104. 10 West Marie St.
Tucker Electrical Construction Co. Main Office, New York City. Tel. Longacre 0772. Private Lighting Plant. Est. 1887. Branch: Hicksville, L. I. Tel. Hicksville 1. Complete Electrical Installations. Est. 1908.

Just-Rite Bakery. Anton Morschner, Prop. Tel. Hicks 21. Broadway and Cherry St.

Bank of Hicksville. Officers: Henry W. Underhill, Pres., Henry Sengstacken, 1st Vice Pres., Henry C. Stolz, 2nd Vice Pres., Joseph J. Ulmer, Cashier, Charles E. Colthurst, Asst. Cashier.
Long Island National Bank. Officers: J. B. Du Bose, Pres., Eugene R. Williams, Vice Pres., Albert Walker, Cashier

Griffin & Rushmore. Coal, Grain, Seeds, Seed Potatoes and all Farm Supplies. Tel. Hicks 45. 2-22 Heitz Place.
Nassau Seed Co., Inc. Seed, Feed, Hay. Farm Supplies and Coal Tel. Hicks 393. 14 New Bridge Road.
Deninno & Co. Consumers Ice and Coal. Wholesale and Retail. "Service is our Motto." Tel. Hicks 36. 22 Richard St.
Fred C. Hartmann. Coal and Wood, Mrs. F. C. Hartmann, Prop. Tel. Hicks 234. 291 Broadway.
W. H. Frost. Hygeia Ice. "Our Motto is Service." Tel. Hicks 156. 32 Carl St.
Hicksville Ice & Coal Co., Inc. Manufacturers of Ice. Tel. Hicks 35. 42 Carl St.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. Est. 1863. West Nicholas St. Hicksville, L. I. Rev. William Rusch
St. Ignatius R. C. Church. Est. 1859. Rev. Francis X. Wunsch. 129 Broadway.
First Reformed Church. Rev. Amos L. Dushaw. Jerusalem Ave. and New Bridge Road.
Holy Trinity Church Episcopal. Rev. Dwight F. Cameron. M. A> Jerusalem and Old Country Road.
Hicksville Methodist-Episcopal Church. Rev. Henry McCallum. 103-105 Broadway.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Stephen. Rev. Robt. E. Peterman. 270 Broadway.

Teddy's Sweet Shop. Delicious Home Made Candy and Ice Cream. Tel. Hicks 130. 92 Broadway.
United Cigar Store. A. J. Blake, Prop. 76 Broadway.

D. L. Hicks. General Contractor Designs, Specifications, Estimates. Tel. Hicks. 70 Broadway.
G. A. Wagner. The Sunrise Trail, Builder and General Contractor. Tel. Hicks 385. 151 Cherry St.
Schaaf Bros. Builders. Tel. Hicks 411. 81 Notre Dame Ave.

Dr. E. A. Curtis. Dentist. Tel. Hicks 89-J. Broadway and E. Marie St.
Dr. S. H. Filler. Dentist. Tel. Hicks 117-28 Broady and Herzog Place.
Dr. A. G. Rave. 100 West Marie St. Tel. Hicks 46.
Walter F. Stillger, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Tel. 49 Hicks. 35 Broadway.

Curt Unverhau. Pharmacist and Chemist Tel. Hicks 527. Cor. Broadway and East Marie St.
Philip Lehrman. Hicksville Rexall Agent. Est. 1871. Tel. Hicks 77. 120 Broadway.

Henry F. Huettner, Inc. Tel. Hicks 176-177. Broadway and West Marie St.

Hicksville Delicatessen. Mrs. Tomas McCaffrey, Prop. Fancy Groceries, Quality Butter. Tel. Hicks 425. 80 Broadway.

Louis Krause. Florist. Tel. Connection, P. O. Box No. 146. Newbridge Road and 2nd St.
Rien Kueken. Carnations our Specialty. Tel. Hicks 450, P. O. Box No. 740. Old Country Road.

Hicksville Implement Co. Dealers in Agricultural Implements, Wagons and Repairs for all Machines. Tel. Hicks 363. 11-15 Heitz Pl.

Henry J. Stock. Undertaker. Tel. Hicks. 118-W. 22 Old Country Rd.

Alberts Furniture Store.
Grand Rapids and Reed Furniture, Carpets, Rug, Linolium, Oil Cloth. Tel. Hicks 108. 170 Broadway.

Broadway Hardware Shop.
D. L. Hicks, Prop. Everything in Hardware and Paint. Tel. Hicks 378. 70 Broadway.
D. Sausmer. Hardware, Paint, House Furnishings, Stoves and Ranges. Tel. Hicks 17. 78 Broadway.

Hicksville Inn.
H. B. Schafer, Prop. Tel. Hicks 56. W. John St. and Jericho Road.

Farmingdale Individual Laundry Service, Inc.
Tel. Farmingdale 317. Farmingdale, L. I.

R. A. Esslinger.
Jeweler and Optometrist. Tel. Hicks 92; Res. 71. 104 Broadway.
David L. Winchester. Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware. Tel. Hicks 432. 73 Broadway.

Brislin Lumber Co., Inc.
Lumber, Timber, Millwork and Mason Materials. Tel. Hicks 548-549. Bethpage Road and L. I. R. R.
Nassau Lumber Co. Building Materials. Tel. Hicks 301. 33 Old Country Road.

William Wetterauer.
Mfg. Ladies' and Childrens' Dresses. Tel. Hicks 110. 45 East John St.
Henry J. Weickmann Co. Manufacturers of Gold, Half Gold and Silver Leaf. Tel. Hicks 382. 12 Williams St.

Hicksville Cash Market.
E. Hagenbuch, Prop. Meat, Poultry and Provisions. Tel. Hicks 334. 82 Broadway.
Imperial Market. C. Janke & Sons. Tel. Hicks 88. Broadway and E. Nicholai St.
H. C. Stolz Sons. Meats and Provisions. Hicks 54. 102 Broadway.

M. L. Brand.
Mason and Plasterer. Tel. Hicks 377. 12 1st Street.
D. & F. Sutter Monumental Works. Work Erected in any Cemetery. Tel. Hicks 76. Jerusalem Ave.
Otto Haring. Plumber and Tinsmith. Slate and Metal Roofing. Tel. Connection. 323 Broadway near Lee Ave.
Valentine & Davis. Plumbing and Heating. Tel. Hicks 321. 108 Broadway.

William H. Blume Jr.
The Log Cabin Printer and Stationer. Tel. Hicks 470.
Hicksville Courier. M. Friedman, Prop. Printers - Publishers. Tel. Hicks 470. 160 Broadway.

A. F. Luhmann & C. H. Prigge.
Specialty of Black Jersey Giants. Tel. Hicks 351-J. New Bridge Road.

City Lunch and Restaurant.
"Never Close." Tel. Hicks 467. 13 Herzog Place.

John H. Hahn.
Real Estate and Insurance. Tel. Hicks 218. 33 West Marie St.
Joseph Keler. Real Estate Developer. Tel. Hicks 14. 120 Woodbury Road.
John Reinhard. Small Farms and Cottages. Tel. Hicks 136. 44 Jerusalem Road.
Seaman Tallaferro & Elsemann, Inc. Real Estate and Insurance. Hicks 114-338. 86 Broadway.

Michael Fippinger.
Jerusalem Ave.
Henry A Kuhl. West John St.

The Empire Storage Warehouse.
Henry C. Brengel, Prop. General Contracting. Local and Long Distance Moving. Tel. Hicks 10. 122 E. Marie St.

Hicksville Ladies and Gents Tailor.
Conrad Duerr, Prop. Tel. Connection. 157 Broadway.

Robinson & Stevens, Inc.
Sand and Gravel. Tel. Hicks 347. 24 E. Barclay St.

Clucher & Simon Variety Store.
Dry Goods and House Furnishing. Tel. Hicks 471. 88-90 Broadway.

Karison & Lee.
Well Driving and Water Supply. Big Work Done Well. Tel. Connection. 99-117 West Barclay St. Branch. Riverhead, N. Y.


Archival Paper

Archival Paper

Premium fine art paper that provides accurate color reproduction with high-contrast, high-resolution print output and maximum image permanence. A high-quality print ready for framing.

  • Museum quality paper for high-quality fine art.
  • Ultra smooth, neutral white matte finish.
  • Heavy-weight 230 gsm, 9.5 mil thickness.
  • Printed with pigment inks for longer print life and enhanced fade resistance.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.

Luster Photo Paper

Luster Photo Paper

A premium semi-gloss photo paper with a subtle texture that produces a vivid, richly detailed print. This material results in an exquisitely detailed giclee print of substantially higher quality than a standard poster.

  • Printed on 10 mil premium luster photo paper resulting in a brilliant, colorful image with a vivid life-like quality.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
  • Inks have a lightfastness rating of over 100 years, guaranteeing minimal noticeable fading over a very long period of time.
  • Printed using very high resolution source files.
  • Giclee printing is superior to traditional lithography in a number of ways: colors are brighter, lasts longer, and is a higher resolution.

Canvas on Wood Rails

Canvas on Wood Rails

A canvas giclee print is mounted to wooden hanging rails placed along the top and bottom of the map. Ready to hang on the wall using the attached hanging cord. Wood rails feature a natural finish.

  • Premium 19 mil canvas material.
  • Wood rails are 1 1/8" wide, round front.
  • USA sourced solid maple wood.
  • High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.

Canvas Gallery Wrap

Canvas Gallery Wrap

A high quality canvas giclee print is hand stretched over a sturdy wood frame. Printed on demand and handcrafted in Seattle, WA. The canvas gallery wrap serves as a stunning piece of art ready to hang on your wall.

  • Premium 19 mil canvas material.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
  • High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
  • Durable canvas mounted to a 1" deep wood frame.
  • Ready to hang with included easy-to-use hanging kit.

Framed Map Print - Black Finish

Framed Map Print - Black Finish

Our gallery quality frames are made of solid wood and feature optical-grade acrylic. Each framed map is printed on premium archival matte fine art paper.

  • Printed on thick, luxurious acid-free fine art paper & dry-mounted to foam board.
  • Pigment inks ensure a vivid print with amazing colors and excellent fade resistance.
  • Solid wood frame with a black finish has a 1.25" face & 7/8" depth.
  • Kraft paper protective backing & hanging wire installed.

Framed Map Print - Natural Oak Finish

Framed Map Print - Natural Oak Finish

Our gallery quality frames are made of solid wood and feature optical-grade acrylic. Each framed map is printed on premium archival matte fine art paper.

  • Printed on thick, luxurious acid-free fine art paper & dry-mounted to foam board.
  • Pigment inks ensure a vivid print with amazing colors and excellent fade resistance.
  • Solid wood frame with a natural oak finish has a 1.25" face & 7/8" depth.
  • Kraft paper protective backing & hanging wire installed.
USA map icon

Made In The USA

Our wall map products are designed and printed on demand by our small team in Seattle, WA using high quality materials and fine art giclee printing.
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