Historic Map - Middletown, CT - 1915

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Aero view of Middletown, Connecticut, 1915 / T. M. Fowler, del.

A historic map reproduction of Middletown, CT, published by Hughes and Bailey in 1915. A thriving port during the 1700's, Middletown became the largest and most prosperous town in Connecticut, with a third of the population directly involved with maritime trade. Trade and port activity declined early in the 1800's, resulting from the effects of the strained relationship with the British leading up to the War of 1812. Middletown did not recover its maritime prominence after the War of 1812, but did turn its attention toward manufacturing throughout the nineteenth century, becoming a major supplier of guns to the U. S. government. The city was active in the abolitionism movement and was a hub along the underground railroad during the Civil War.

Jobs created by the continued industrialization brought waves of European immigrants arriving in the early 1900's. By 1910, the population of Middletown had grown to 21,000. This map was published the same year that the Middletown Garden Society was founded.

Inset illustrations include:

High School
Main Street
Farmer's and Mechanics' Bank
Middletown Savings Bank
Mutual Assurance Co.
The Jas. H. Bunce Co.
Arriconi Building
Municipal Building
Fire Dept. Building
Caulkins & Post Co.
I. Wrubel
J. J. Cronin
H. H. Frazier
Fox-Becker Granite Co.
The Tuttle Brick Co.
Wesleyan University
The Russell Manufacturing Co., Inc.
W. & B. Douglas
The New England Enameling Co. (Middletown and Portland)
The I. E. Palmer Co.
The Rogers & Hubbard Co.
The Omo Manufacturing Co.
The Hubbard Motor Co.
L. O. & E. S. Davis
The Coles Co.
The Strong & Hale Lumber Co.
The Gustav Loewenthal Lumber Co.
Rockfall Woolen Co.
The Noiseless Typewriter Co. 

Complete reference list below.

Features references to the following people & locations:


Mayor, F. A. Coles; Aldermen, F. A. Beach, H. M. Meech, J. A. Fagan, J. E. Reilly; Councilmen, J. W. Rodgers, J. N. Walsh, A. S. Losey, H. E. Atwell, F. W. Fenner, H. N Lincoln, E. L. Ferree, L. J. Allen, C. A. Anderson, E. L. Clark, R. E. Mylchreest; Town, City and School Tax Collector, Wm. J. Keift; Town Clerk and Treasurer, J. P. Stow; Assessor, Chas. Seiferman; Corporation Counsel, G. B. Carlson; Sheriff, B. G. Thompson; Fire Dept., Chief Engineer, G. S. Pitt, Assistant, J. W. Rogers; Water Commissioners, Thos. Hoops, Jr., J. P. Bacon, H. Warner, Geo. More; City Engineer, J. M. Lucey; Health Officer, Thos. P. Walsh, M. D.; Coroner, S. B. Davis; Judge City Court, Dan'l. J. Donahoe; Associate, S. H. Warner; Prosecuting Attorney, Wm. J. Coughlin; Clerk of City Court, L. O. Ryan; Town Clerk and Registrar of Vital Statistics, W. C. Howard; Town Treasurer and Secretary Water Board, A. A. Hurd; First Selectman, Howard Peck; Registrars of Voters, T. C. Lawton, Henry Hanson; Assessors, J. P. Dunn, Wm. H. Durang, J. J. MacDonnell; Board of Education, A. L. Allen, F. A. Beach, A. J. Campbell, F. A. Coles, J. L. Fisk, A. H. Kelsey, J. A. Lawton, T. W. McDowell, T. MacDonough Russell; R. C. Markham, "Clerk and Treasurer; Wm. A. Wheatley, Supt. of Schools.

Ahern, James. Choice Family Groceries, 158 Court Street.
Anenberg, Jacob. Wholesale and Retail, Wines and Liquors. Bottles goods of all kinds, 544-546 Main Street.
Arrigoni, Frank & Brother. General Contractors, 605 Main St., Arrigoni Bldg.
Arrigoni, Frank & Brother. Wholesale and Retail Coal, Foot Union St.
Atwell, Ralph J. Jeweler and Optician, 210 Main Street.
Babcock, Samuel. 469 Main St.
Bacon Brothers. Plumbing, Heating and Tinning. Stoves, Ranges, Etc., 287 Main St., Y. M. C. A. Building.
Bacon, C. S. Lawyer and Judge of Probate, Municipal Bldg., 209 Main St.
Bacon, J. Edgar. Real Estate and Fire Insurance, 480 Main St.
Bacon, John P. Embalmer and Funeral Director, 167 Main St.
Baldwin, Linus. Contractor and Builder, Shop, 22 Hamlin St., Residence, East Long Hill.
Baldwin Repair Co. Automobile Repairing of every description, 20-22 Hamlin Street.
Barry, Rev. Joseph W. Principal St. Joseph's Parochial School.
Barton Clothing Co., The. Clothiers, Furnishers and Custom Tailors, 324-326 Main St.
Bidwell & Lynch. Groceries and provisions, Fine Teas and Coffees, 344 Main St.
Blau, Walter A. Electrical Contracting and Supplies, 397 Main St.
Brainard & Logan. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and umbrellas, 280 Main Street.
Brewer, F. Co., The. Dry Goods Exclusively, Main and Court Sts.
Broatch, J. A. Bookseller and Stationer, 276 Main St.
Bunce, James H. Co., The. Importers and Retailers of Dry Goods, Ladies' Apparel and House Furnishings, 320-322 Main St.
Burnham, George. Counselor At-Law, 231 Main St.
Butler's Insurance office, Inc. Opposite "Town Clock", 220 Main St.
Caldwell, A. M. Wholesale Liquors, 562 Main St.
Camp, R. W. Co. Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Footwear, 346-350 Main St.
Cannon, C. M. & Son. Plumbing, Heating, Gas Fitting, Tinning and Sheet Metal Work, 147 Washington St.
Carlson, Gustaf B. Attorney and Counselor at Law, 231 Main St.
Caulkins & Post Co. House Furnishers, 406-408 Main St.
Central Restaurant. Maxwell and French, Proprietors, 261 Main St.
Chafee's Hotel. C. A. Chafee, Proprietor, 74 E. Court St.
City Market. H. H. Frazier, Proprietor, Meats, Provisions and Vegetables, 150 Main St.
Clarke, F. A. Groceries and Provisions, 42 Durham Ave.
Coles Company, The. Grain, 114-116 Main St.
Connecticut Power Co., The. 279 Main St.
Connery, J. F. Phonographs, Bicycles and Auto Supplies, 305 Main St.
Convey, John F. Cigar Co., The. Manufacturers of High Grade Cigars, 264 Main St.
Coughlin's, W. J. Undertaker and Funeral Director. Steam Ship Agency, 496-500 Main St.
Coughlin W. J. Furnaces, Stoves and Ranges, Model Steam and Hot Water Boilers, Plumbing and Tinning, 496-500 Main St.
Cromwell, Dr., E. C. Dentist, 297 Main St.
Dalton's Cafe. Peter Dalton, Proprietor, 504 Main St.
Davis, L. O. & E. S. Lumber, Lime Cement, Nails, Doors, Sash, Blinds and Painters' Supplies, Hanover St. Extension.
Dempsey, James J. House Furnishings, 607 Main St.
Douglas, W. & B. Manufacturers of Power Pumps, Hand Pumps, Spray Pumps, etc., Oldest in America. 206 William St.
Edwards & Jones. Insurance and Surety Bonds, 263 Main St.
Ely Optical Company. Edw. R. Corey, Registered Optometrist. Any lens Duplicated, Eyes Tested, Glasses Fitted or Repaired, 386 Main St.
Empire Dyeing and Cleaning Works. French Dry Cleaning, High Grade Tailoring, Drakos Brothers, Managers, 438 Main St.
Fairbank, Wm. E. General Assistant, Connecticut Industrial School for Girls.
Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank. 197 Main St.
Finkelbrand & Co. Manufacturers of Pants, 22 Hamlin St., N. Y. Office, 738 Broadway.
First National Bank, The. 153 Main St.
Fisher Bros. Jewelers, 242 Main St.
Fitzgibbons, M. J. Bottling Works, Arawana Brand Ginger Ale. 517 Main St.
Fortin & Co., Wm. L. Automobile Tire Dealer, 55 Rapallo Ave.
Forest City Laundry. W. G. Inglis Proprietor, General Laundry Work. 144 Main St.
Forst Bakery. Chas. Forst, Proprietor. 548 Main St.
Fox-Becker Granite Co., The. Designers and Builders of Vaults, Monuments, Statuary in Granite and Marble, Rapallo Ave.
French, A. P. Dentist, 201 Main St.
Frisbie Motor Co., The. Marine and Stationary Motors, 56 College St.
Germania Cafe. A. Frankenberger, Proprietor, 104 Court St.
Glynn, John W. Contractor and Builder, Planing and Moulding. Stair Builder. Mill Foot William St., Residence, 73 S. Main St.
"Greystone The", Hotel. Robt. V. Harvey, Proprietor, 150-152 College St.
Goodyear Rubber Co., The. Thos. W. McDowell, Manager, 126 Church St.
Guy & Rice. Insurance, Real Estate, Steam-Ship and Tourists' Tickets, 265 Main St.
Grand Union Tea Co. G. C. More Mgr. 334 Main St.
Murphy, Wm. J. Harness, Horse Goods, Trunks, Bags and Suite Cases. 372 Main St.
Haggerty, Richard. Cafe, 92 Main St.
Hartman Drug Co., The. Prescription Druggists, L. J. Allen Manager, Stueck Block, 390 Main St.
Hazen's Book Store. Books, Stationery and Periodicals, Wholesale and Retail, 198 Main St.
Higginson, Wm. J., Principal, The Higginson Institute, Commercial and General Subjects, 67 Washington St.
Hill, John R. Cigar Manufacturer, Bible Rock 10 Cigar, 549 Main St.
Hotel Ideal. Mrs. E. A. Stevens, Prop., 534 Main St.
Hotel Middletown. Jos. Goldenthal, Prop., 524-528 Main Street.
Hubbard, J. B. Residence, 8 Walnut St.
Hubbard Motor Co., Inc., The. Auto, Marine and Stationary Gasoline Motors, Walnut St., South Farms.
Hull, Wilbur S. Real Estate and Insurance, Notary Public, Surety Bonds, Automobile Liability, Rep. Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N. Y., 32 Wall St.
Hull, Chester, L. Dentist, 244 Main St.
Intravaia, Joseph. Florist, Wedding and Funeral Designs. 50 Ferry St.
Ideal Hair Cutting Parlors. Kidney, P. M., Prop., 342 Main St.
Jones, Walter C. Real Estate and Insurance. Steam Ship Tickets, Investments, 263 Main St.
Jordan, Rev. Francis A. Pastor, St. Francis R. C. Church, Corner, Elm and Silver St.
Kearns, Gus. Cafe and Package Store, 396 Main St.
Kelly Busy Corner Co., Inc., The. Meats, Groceries and Bakery. Pearl and Liberty Sts.
King, C. B. & G. E. Publishers and Proprietors, Penny Press, 394 Main St.
Kinsella, Joseph P. Prescription Druggist, 414 Main St.
Krenz, Emil. Groceries and Confectionery, 140 Main St.
Krenz, Ludwig. Dealer in Liquors, Wines and Malts, 454 Main St.
Lawton, James A., D. M. D. Dentist, 246 Main St
Lawton, James & Son. Retail dealers in Coal. Surety Bonds, Steam Ship Tickets, Insurance and REal Estate., 470 Main St.
Lincoln's Drug Store. Main and Court Sts.
Loewenthal Gustav Co., The. Lumber Merchants, Planing Mill and Cabinet Work. Sash Doors, Blinds, Painters' Supplies and Portland Cement. Office, Yard and Mill, Berlin St.
MacDonnell, John J. Brick Manufacturer. Westfield District.
Markham, Patrick F. Wholesale and Retail Liquors. 600 Main St.
Maxwell, H. F. Lunch Wagon, 157 Court St., Res. Arrigoni Block.
Mazzotta, Salvator. Mason, Contractor and Builder. Masons' Supplies of all kinds, 90 Spring St
Meade, Kenneth J. Painter and Decorator, Picture Framing Shop. 147 Washington St, Office, 229 Pearl St.
Merchants' Delivery Co., The. A. Gold, Prop., 90 Main St., Branch 37-39 Warwick St.
Meyers, Frederick W. Livery, Hack and Boarding Stables. 101 Court St.
Middlesex Mutual Assurance Co., Incorporated 1836. 151 Main St.
Middletown Automobile Co. J. H. Fagan, Prob. Cadillac Distributors. 87-89 Court St
Middletown Beef & Provision Co. D. L. Briggs, Mgr. 23 Lumber St.
Middletown Cash Grocery. Tea Dealers and Fancy Grocers. 354 Main St.
Middletown Coal Co., The. 265 Main St. Yards, foot of Court St.
Middletown Gas Light Co., The. 293 Main St.
Middletown Laundry Co., The. 83 Court St.
Middletown National Bank, The. 223 Main St. Founded, 1801.
Middletown Savings Bank, The. 76 Main St.
Millbrook Farm Dairy Co., The. Wholesale and Retail Mfrs. Ice Cream and Dairy Products. 2-4 Main St,
Musiel, Rev. S. Pastor St. Mary's Polish R. C. Church. 155 S. Main St.
Mylchreest Bros. Building Contractors and Masons' Materials. Building Construction. Engineering. Store House, foot of Washington St. Office 48 and 50 Brainerd Ave.
New England Enameling Co., The. Mfrs. of The High Grade "Ideal" and "New England" Enameled Steel and Aluminum Wares, Tin and Galvanized Wares. River Road, South Farms.
North End Grocer. Frank M. Dunn, Prop. Groceries and Provisions. 588 High St.
Noiseless Typewriter Co. The. Off High St.
Northrop, D. Ward Attorney at Law. 231 Main St.
Nourse-Sherman Co., Inc. Clothiers, Hatters, and Furnishers. 154-158 Main St.
O'Brien, Denis. Mason Contractor and Builder. 80 Crescent St.
O'Keefe, T. W. Funeral Director and Embalmer. Real Estate Agent. Notary Public. 442 Main St.
Omo Mfg. Co., The. Dress Shields and Specialties. Walnut St.
Pagano, Joseph L. First Class Custom Tailor. Steam Ship Agency. 558 Main St.
Palmer, I. E. Co., The. Mfrs. Cotton Tissues, Hammocks, Mosquito Netting, Window Screen Cloth, Canpoies and Canopy Fixtures. Factory St.
Payne, Lyman. Music Dealer. 295 Main St.
Pelton, Chas. A. Druggist. 88 Main St.
Pelton & King, Inc. Printers and Bookbinders. 98-100 Court St.
Pinsker, J. Practical Watch Maker and Jeweler. 130 Main St.
Poldebard Silk Mfg. Co. Geo. Walmsley Supt. Cooley Ave.
Press, Harry. Up-To-Date Tailor. 192 Main St.
Press, Max. Merchant Tailor. 171 Main St., Under Univ'st Church.
Redford, George F. Paper Hanging and House Decorating. Pictures and Picture Frames. 410 Main St.
Reynolds, W. S. Mfr. and Dealer in Automobiles, Carriages and Wagons. Pleasure and Commercial Cars. 110-114 Church St., Cor. Hamlin.
Riverside Greenhouses. Otto Keser, Prop. Carnations a Specialty. Cut Flowers and Funeral Designs. Portland, Conn. Middletown Office, 167 Main St.
Rockfall Woolen Co., The. Butternut and Maplewood Sts. Joseph Merriam.
Rogers & Hubbard Co., The. Mfrs. of Fertilizers and Bone Goods.
Rogers, J. W. Express and Storage. 152 Court St.
Russell Mfg. Co., The, Inc. 1834. Mfrs. Suspender Webbing and Suspenders, Garter Webs, Etc. Main St. South Farms.
Ryan, Leonard O. Atty. and Counselor At Law. 302 Main St.
Santangelo Leo B. Real Estate and Insurance. 208 Main St.
Schmidt, Casper. Photographer. 28 Main St.
Schultze, O. D. & Son. Meats, Poultry, Vegetables, Etc. 35 Main St.
Smith, E. C. Electrical Co. Insulated Lighting Plants, Exch Mgr. 154 Washington St.
Southmayd, A. L. Funeral Director and Embalmer. Cut-Flowers and Funeral Designs. 352 Main St.
Southworth, Joseph E. Carpenter and Builder. 154 Lincoln St.
Stueck, J. W. & Son. Est. 1865. Caterers, Fancy and Domestic Bakery. 362 Main St.
Stewart Printing Co., The. Printers and Book Binders. 106 Court St.
Stolba, B. Gentlemen's and Ladies' Tailor. 98 Main St.
Stone, C. O. & Son, Inc. Contractors and Builders. 137 S. Main St.
Strong & Hale Lumber Co., The. Lumber and Builders' Materials. John C. Barry, Pres. John A. Dodd, Sec'y, Treas. End of Highway Bridge.
Stow, Dr. Reginald H. Dentist. Pythian Bldg., 302 Main St.
Toughill, Annie Miss. 297 Main St.
Trench, Ira J. Dealer in Real Estate of all Kinds. Land Auctioneer. 699 High St.
Trevithick, William J. Groceries, Meats and Provisions. Two Stores, 508 Main St. and South Farms.
Turner, B. F. Co., The. Groceries and Provisions. 28-30 Durham Ave.
Tuttle Brick Co., The. Brick Makers since 1842. Newfield.
Victor Rapid Shoe Repair Factory. All White Oak Leather Used. 141 Main St.
Walsh, Michael M. Post Master.
Warner, S. Harris. Attorney at Law. 201 Main St.
Welker, Oscar B. Photographer. 350 Main St.
Wesleyan Store, The. 274 High St. E. M. Eustis, Mgr.
Wilcox Crittenden & Co., Inc. Mfrs. Marine Hardware, Wire Rope Fittings, Ship Chandlery, Boat Builders Supplies. 8 S. Main St,
Wilcox & Lucey. Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Municipal Bldg.
Williams, A. D. Real Estate Agent. 130 Main St.
Wrubel. Women's Wearables Exclusively. Cloaks, Suits, Furs, Etc. 328-330 Main St.
Zimmermann, F. J. Tonsorial Parlor. 490 Main St.


Archival Paper

Archival Paper

Premium fine art paper that provides accurate color reproduction with high-contrast, high-resolution print output and maximum image permanence. A high-quality print ready for framing.

  • Museum quality paper for high-quality fine art.
  • Ultra smooth, neutral white matte finish.
  • Heavy-weight 230 gsm, 9.5 mil thickness.
  • Printed with pigment inks for longer print life and enhanced fade resistance.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.

Luster Photo Paper

Luster Photo Paper

A premium semi-gloss photo paper with a subtle texture that produces a vivid, richly detailed print. This material results in an exquisitely detailed giclee print of substantially higher quality than a standard poster.

  • Printed on 10 mil premium luster photo paper resulting in a brilliant, colorful image with a vivid life-like quality.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
  • Inks have a lightfastness rating of over 100 years, guaranteeing minimal noticeable fading over a very long period of time.
  • Printed using very high resolution source files.
  • Giclee printing is superior to traditional lithography in a number of ways: colors are brighter, lasts longer, and is a higher resolution.

Canvas on Wood Rails

Canvas on Wood Rails

A canvas giclee print is mounted to wooden hanging rails placed along the top and bottom of the map. Ready to hang on the wall using the attached hanging cord. Wood rails feature a natural finish.

  • Premium 19 mil canvas material.
  • Wood rails are 1 1/8" wide, round front.
  • USA sourced solid maple wood.
  • High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.

Canvas Gallery Wrap

Canvas Gallery Wrap

A high quality canvas giclee print is hand stretched over a sturdy wood frame. Printed on demand and handcrafted in Seattle, WA. The canvas gallery wrap serves as a stunning piece of art ready to hang on your wall.

  • Premium 19 mil canvas material.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
  • High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
  • Durable canvas mounted to a 1" deep wood frame.
  • Ready to hang with included easy-to-use hanging kit.

Framed - Black Finish

Framed - Black Finish

Our gallery quality frames are made of solid wood and feature optical-grade acrylic. Each framed map is printed on premium archival matte fine art paper.

  • Printed on thick, luxurious acid-free fine art paper & dry-mounted to foam board.
  • Pigment inks ensure a vivid print with amazing colors and excellent fade resistance.
  • Solid wood frame with a black finish has a 1.25" face & 7/8" depth.
  • Kraft paper protective backing & hanging wire installed.

Framed - Natural Oak Finish

Framed - Natural Oak Finish

Our gallery quality frames are made of solid wood and feature optical-grade acrylic. Each framed map is printed on premium archival matte fine art paper.

  • Printed on thick, luxurious acid-free fine art paper & dry-mounted to foam board.
  • Pigment inks ensure a vivid print with amazing colors and excellent fade resistance.
  • Solid wood frame with a natural oak finish has a 1.25" face & 7/8" depth.
  • Kraft paper protective backing & hanging wire installed.
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Made In The USA

Our wall map products are designed and printed on demand by our small team in Seattle, WA using high quality materials and fine art giclee printing.
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