Historic Map - New Brunswick, NJ - 1910

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Aero view of New-Brunswick, New Jersey, 1910.

Reproduction aero view map of New Brunswick, Middlesex County, New Jersey drawn and published by Hughes & Bailey in 1910. New Brunswick grew as an important trading center along what was called the "King's Highway". Robert Wood Johnson began the popular Johnson & Johnson Company in New Brunswick in the 1870's with partner George J. Seabury as "Seabury & Johnson". By 1910 Johnson & Johnson was a thriving company now run by Johnson's two sons, with its newest offering of sterilized dressings and its creative "first-aid kits". The kits were considered the latest essential item to be outfitted in homes and businesses of the era. Robert Wood Johnson the elder died in the year of this map's publishing.

New Brunswick's town booster from 1910 reads:

"New Brunswick is a busy, progressive and substantial city with large and varied industries, of 30,000 and commercial center of 100,000 population within a 12 mile radius.

Finely situated on the Raritan River, and Delaware and Raritan Canal, with four miles of water front, navigatable for large vessels and near the bay and ocean.

On the main line of Pennsylvania R. R. with its vast system of trunk line connections, the terminal of the Raritan River R. R. connecting with N. J. Central and N. Y. and Long Branch R. R. with two lines of freight steamers daily to and from New York, and canal to Trenton and Phila., ample facilities are afforded for travel and shipping. Commutation rates to New York-time 40 minutes-are very low and service very best.

The general center of an extensive system of Electric R. R.'s giving advantages unsurpassed elsewhere in the State.

Excellent Fire and Police protection with complete and superior equipment. Water system under Municipal Government, gives adequate supply of pure spring water for every service. Gas and Electricity supplied by Public Service Commission at low cost.

Officially reported fifth healthiest city in the Union. Third city in New Jersey in Manufacturing. Operating 134 Factories. Sound Banks well managed. $10,000,000 assets. Extensive Mercantile Houses supplying large section of the state. Holds high rank in Educational Institutions in number and efficiency, the seat of Rutgers College with its National reputation as one of the oldest and best. Also State Agriculture Experiment station. Three well equipped and endowed Libraries, open to the public. Twenty-seven churches and places of worship. Two daily and three weekly Newspapers. Active and prominent Board of Trade, alive to local interests and favorable to further enterprise. The city was chartered in 1730, and incorporated in 1784."

The map from 1910 includes clearly labeled streets, canal and railroad lines.

Features inset illustrations or photographs of the following locations:

High School.
Livingston Ave. Baptist Church.
St. John Episcopal Church.
People's National Bank.
New Brunswick Station P. R. R.
Post Office Building.
Middlesex County Court House.
Free Public Library.
Washington School.
Golf Club House.
St. Peter's Catholic Church.
Second Reformed Church.
Elks' Hall.
O. O. Stillman, Jeweler.
Lyons & Parker, Clothiers.
Harding & Mansfield, Fine Shoes.
Monigan's Pharmacy.
John Reng, Leading Market.
Jet White, Steam and Hand Laundry.
H. Schwartz, Ideal Cigar Factory.
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
B. U. Tapken, Jeweler.
Philip Weigel, Jr., Hardware, etc.
Home News Publishing Co.
New Brunswick Fire Ins. Co.
Strong Hardware Company.
New Brunswick Iron Works.
Simplex Automobile Co.
The Brunswick Refrigerating Co.
National Bank of New Jersey.
Reckitts (USA) Ltd. Blue and Starch Mfy.
The New Brunswick Chemical Co.
Rolfe Building Materials Co. Water Front Yard.
Rolfe Building Materials Co. Railroad Yard.
New Brunswick Cigar Company.
J. Heidingsfeld, Publisher and Printer.
Otto's Cafe and Restaurant.
Market Square Hotel, Chas. Metz, Prop.
Ernest Dever, Hairdressing.
Wm. H. Pette, Painter and Decorator.
Mrs. B. Zimmermann.
New Brunswick Storage Warehouse Co.
L. H. Hoagland, Van Deusen Pharmacy.
L. H. Hoagland, Highland Park Pharmacy.
P. Kalteissen Paper Box Mfy.
New Brunswick Brewing Co.
Howell Lumber Co., Sandford St. Yards.
Howell Lumber Co., Burnet St. Yards.
Middlesex Shoe Co.
National Musical String Co.
United States Rubber Co.
The Neverslip Manufacturing Co.
Norfolk and New Brunswick Hosiery Co.
Johnson & Johnson, Manufacturing Chemists.
W. W. Ten Eyck, Dairy. Coal Yard.
A. J. Gebhardt, Groceries & Provisions.
Edward Hingher, Furniture, Etc.
Geo. B. Rule, Builder.
Conrad Sebolt, Trucking & Storage.
New Brunswick Ice Co.
Middlesex Granite and Marble Works.
Empire Trucking Co.
Hotel Neptune, Jno. A. Smith, Prop.
New Brunswick Iron and Metal Co.

Features references to the following locations:

Middlesex County Court House and Offices. Court House Square.
U. S. Post Office. cor. George and Albany Sts. New Brunswick Station, P. R. R. cor. Albany St. and Easton Ave.
New Brunswick Station, Raritan River R. R. Sanford and Throop Sts.
Rutgers College Buildings and Library. Somerset, George, Hamilton, College Ave. and Seminary Pl.
Theological Seminary Buildings and Sage Library. Seminary Place and Campus.
Free Public Library. 60 Livingston Ave.
Livingston High School. Livingston Ave. Redmond and Welton St.
New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. Hamilton, cor. Seminary Pl.
New Jersey Agricultural College and Farm. near Nichols Ave.
Wells' Memorial Hospital. cor. Somerset and Albany St.
Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., The Great. 300 George St. R. J. Smith, Mgr.
Artificial Stone Pavement Co., The. S. C. Irven, Contractor. Cement work of all kinds. 3 and 5 Townsend St.
Bayd, Mrs. H. A. cor. Adelaide and Raritan Ave., Highland Park. Private Residence.
Board, Lewis. Carpenter and Builder, 120 Easton Ave.
Brunswick Refrigerating Co., The. Refrigerating and Ie Makin Machinery, end of New Jersey Ave.
Boylan, Wm. H. Architect, National Bank of New Jersey Bldg.
City Hotel. John F. Norton, Prop., 67 Albany St.
Cook, Henry B. Counsellor at Law. Vliet Bldg., cor. George and Albany Sts.
Collier, John. Ice & Coal Co. 215 Burnet St.
Cowenhoven, Chas. T. Counsellor, Schenck Bldg. 43 Paterson St.
Cowenhoven, Chas. T. Jr. Lawyer, 27 Redmond St., New Brunswick
Cowenhoven, Remsen. Attorney at Law, 43 Paterson St.
Cramer, C. H. Real Estate and General Insurance, 349 George St.
Daly, Peter F. Cousellor at Law, N. B. Fire Ins. Co. Building, 40 Paterson St.
Daly & Teel. Real Estate, 141 Albany St.
Dever, Ernest. Hair Dresser and Human Hair Manufacturer, 347 George St.
Dunham, Dr. Charles H. Surgeon Dentist, Baldwin Building, cor. George and Bayard Sts.
Edgar, James A. Real Estate and Insurance, 349 George St.
Emmett House. John McCaffrey, Prop. 427 & 429 George St.
Empire Trucking & Storage Co. 339-41-43 and 45 Sandford St., near Jersey Ave.
Gebhardt, A. J. Groceries and Provisions, Raritan Ave., Highland Park
Habedank, Wm. F. Real Estate, Insurance, Mortgages, Farms, Acreage, City and Country Property, Auctioneering, 417 George St.
Harding & Mansfield. High Grade Footwear, 9 Peace St.
Harkins & Victory. Real Estate and Insurance, 389 George St.
Hendricks, John & Son. Mason & Builders, 295 Handy St.
Heldingsfeld, J. Printer and Publisher, 42 Albany St.
Highland Park Dairy. cor. Harrison and Highland Aves. Milk, Cream and Dairy Produce, W. W. Ten Eyck, Prop.
Highland Park Coal Yard. Harrison Ave., cor. Highland Ave. W. W. Ten Eyck, Prop. Office National Bank of N. J. Bldg.
Hingher, Edward. Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, etc., 116-122 Neilson St.
Hoagland, Irving. Counsellor at Law. Rooms 2-3 Nat. Bank of N. J. Bldg.
Hoagland, Lewis H. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, etc. Southeast Corner George and Paterson Sts. Branch, Highland Park
Home News Printing and Publishing Co. Hiram cor. Dennis St.
Hotel Neptune. John A. Smith, Prop., 123 French St., cor. Harvey
Hull & Rice. Dentists, 42 Bayard St.
Hullfish & Whitfield. Real Estate and Insurance. 46 & 48 Paterson St.
Howell Lumber Co. Lumber and Masons' Materials. Office and Yards 291 Burnet St. Branch yard, Sandford St. & Raritan River R. R.
Ideal Cigar Factory, The. Herman Schwartz, Prop., 84 Albany St.
Iredell, Harvey. D. D. S. cor. Church and Neilson Sts.
Jaques, Wm. C. Cafe, 74 Dennis St.
Jet White Steam and Hand Laundry. Arneil & MacPherson, Props., 80 Church St.
Johnson & Johnson. Manufacturing Chemists. Neilson, above Hamilton St.
Kalteissen, P. Mfr. of Plain and Fancy Paper Boxes, 16-22 Bartlett St.
Kinney, Peter F. Mason and Builder, 39 Wyckoff St.
Lea, Thomas. Engineer, Machinist and Steam Fitter. Works: Outlet Lock Lederer, Samuel & Son. Manufacturers of Fertilizers, Somerset St. and Mile Run Brook & Burnet St.
Levin, Samuel L. Real Estate and Insurance, Nat. Bank of N. J. Bldg.
Lyons & Parker. Clothiers and Custom Tailors, 83 Church St.
Mack, Edward. Consulting and Construction Electrician, office 311 George St. Res. 226 Suydam St.
Market Square Hotel. Chas. Metz, Prop. cor. Hiram and Dennis Sts.
McDonald, Harry A. Broker in Real Estate, 393 George St. and 10 Scott St.
McLaughlin, Geo. S. D. D. S., Peoples's Bank Building
Merchant, Alexander. Architect, 349 George St.
Meyer, Mrs John Christopher. Private Residence, Adelaide and Raritan Aves.
Middlesex Granite & Marble Works. George A. Clinton, Prop., Commercial Ave., near Main Entrance to Elmwood Cemetery
Middlesex Transportation Co. W. J. McCurdy, Pres., Chas. A. McCormick, Treas., 86 & 90 Albany St.
Middlesex Shoe Co. Shoe Mfrs., 53 Washington St.
Middlesex Title Guarantee & Trust Co. George A. Viehmann, Pres. George, cor. Patterson Sts.
Miller, F. W. , Jr. Aldeman, 104 French St.
Moore, A. T. Portrait Artist and Photographer, 409 George St.
Monigan's Pharmacy. John J. Monigan, Prop. 376 George St.
The New Brunswick Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Nat. Bank of New Jersey Bldg.
National Bank of New Jersey. Henry G. Parker, Pres., cor. George and Church Sts.
National Musical String Co. George's Road
New Brunswick Brewing Co. Highland Park, near Highland Ave.
New Brunswick Daily Times. 201 Neilson St.
New Brunswick Cigar Co. Somerset, from Prospect to Harvey St.
New Brunswick Chemical Co. George's Road, Allen's Road and R. R. R. R.
New Brunswick Ice Co. Dealers in Coal and Ice, Edward A. Brady, George's Road and Raritan River R. R.
New Brunswick Iron Works. 9-11-13 Water St.
New Brunswick Iron and Metal Co. I. Laurie, A. Marcus, Remsen Ave., Powers St. and Raritan River R. R.
New Brunswick Fire Ins Co. George A. Viehmann, Pres., cor. George and Paterson Sts.
New Brunswick Storage Warehouse Co. M. L. Cittrell, Pres., J. S. Dahmer, Sec.-Treas., 18-20 Drift St.
New Brunswick Trust Co. 352 George St.
Neverslip Mfg. Co. Mfrs. of Horse Shoe Calks, J. W. Johnson, Pres., Wm. J. McCurdy, Secy., Neilson, cor. Hamilton Sts.
Norfolk and New Brunswick Hosiery Co. 325 Neilson St.
Nybo, P. Photographer, Neilson and Albany Sts.
O'Conner, Michael. Real Estate and Insurance, 364 George St.
Old Homestead, The. John Newman, Prop., 21 French St.
Oliver, Chas. A. Detective, Room 2, Savings Bank Bldg.
Otto's Cafe and Restaurant. Otto L. Schuck, Prop. First Class Grill Room, 408-10-12 George St.
Parker, Neilson T. Insurance Agt. & Broker, Fire, Life, Accident, etc., 381 George St.
Parsell, George K. Architect, 363 George St.
Paulus, John. Pure Milk and Cream, 191 New St.
People's National Bank. George, cor. Church St.
Pette, William H. Painter and Decorator, 135 Paterson St.
Public Service Corporation of N. J. Gas and Electric Lighting, office, 392 George St.
Reckitts, U. S. A. Ltd. Blue and Starch Manufacturers, George's Road
Reng, John. Leading Market, 252-254 George St.
Rolfe Building Materials Co. Office and Water Front Yards, 181 Burnet St., office, 360 George St. and R. R. Yard, Baldwin St.
Rule, Geo. B. Carpenter and Builder, 71 John St., foot of Morris
Russell, Chas. W. Coal, Flour, Feed and Grain, French, cor. Schuyler St., Coal Pockets, Comstock St. and P. R. R.
Sebolt, Conrad. Truckman, Rigger and General Contractor, Padded Vans and Storage, 16-18 Richmond St.
Scheidig's Cafe and Restaurant. Leonard Scheidig, Prop., 135 Albany St.
Sedam, W. Chas. Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds, Pensions, cor. Paterson and Spring St.
Seiffert Bros. Booksellers, Stationers and Newsdealers, 50 Dennis St.
Stillman, O. O. Jeweler and Optician, Diamonds, Watches and Sterling Silver, 133 Albany St.
Strong Hardware Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hardware, House Furnishing Goods, Iron, Steel, Agricultural Implements, and Glass, Building Material; Menbers Board of Trade, 289-293 Burnet St.
Strong, Alan H. & Theodore. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 368 George St.
St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church. Rt. Rev. Monsignor J. A. O'Grady, Pastor, Somerset, near George St.
Stout, F. R. 213 Livingston Ave.
Tapken, B. U. Jeweler, Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry, cor. Church and Neilson Sts.
Tice, Josiah. Consulting Engineer, Land Surveying, Legal Surveys a Specialty, 412 Albany St.
Turton, Robert S. Interior Decorator and Painter of Halls, Churches, etc., 288 George St.
United States Rubber Co's. Jersey Factory. Little Burnet St.
Van Sickle, Wm. H. Jr. Mason and Builder, Dealer in Lime, Sand, etc., cor. Drift and Welton Sts.
Voorhees, Willard P. Justice of Supreme Court, 40 Paterson St.
Wall, John P. Merchant Tailor, 115 Church St.
Weigel, Philip Jr. Hardware, Iron and Steel, House and Builders Hardware, 2-4-6 Peace St.
Whitaker, R. Consulting Engineer, Residence, 271 Somerset St.
Williamson, Douwe D. Architect, 413 George St.
Williamson, M. L. Autioneer and Real Estate Dealer, 393 George St.
Williams, Paul F. Sells Farms and Insurance, National Bank of N. J. Bldg.
Winters, H. H. Cigars and Smoker's Supplies, 211 Neilson St.
Woodbridge & March. Counsellors at Law, National Bank of N. J. Bldg.
Young, P. J. Dry Goods Co. cor. George and Paterson Sts.
Zimmerman, H. B. Hair Merchant and Mfr. of Human Hair Goods, and Toilet Requisites, 44 hurch St.
Zimmermann, Mrs. B. Mfr. of All Kinds of Mineral Waters, Bottler of Ale, Porter, Half and Half and Joseph Hensler's Celebrated Lager Beer, Ale, etc., 232-234-236 Burnet St.


Archival Paper

Archival Paper

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  • Museum quality paper for high-quality fine art.
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  • Printed with pigment inks for longer print life and enhanced fade resistance.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.

Luster Photo Paper

Luster Photo Paper

A premium semi-gloss photo paper with a subtle texture that produces a vivid, richly detailed print. This material results in an exquisitely detailed giclee print of substantially higher quality than a standard poster.

  • Printed on 10 mil premium luster photo paper resulting in a brilliant, colorful image with a vivid life-like quality.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
  • Inks have a lightfastness rating of over 100 years, guaranteeing minimal noticeable fading over a very long period of time.
  • Printed using very high resolution source files.
  • Giclee printing is superior to traditional lithography in a number of ways: colors are brighter, lasts longer, and is a higher resolution.

Canvas on Wood Rails

Canvas on Wood Rails

A canvas giclee print is mounted to wooden hanging rails placed along the top and bottom of the map. Ready to hang on the wall using the attached hanging cord. Wood rails feature a natural finish.

  • Premium 19 mil canvas material.
  • Wood rails are 1 1/8" wide, round front.
  • USA sourced solid maple wood.
  • High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.

Canvas Gallery Wrap

Canvas Gallery Wrap

A high quality canvas giclee print is hand stretched over a sturdy wood frame. Printed on demand and handcrafted in Seattle, WA. The canvas gallery wrap serves as a stunning piece of art ready to hang on your wall.

  • Premium 19 mil canvas material.
  • Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
  • High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
  • Durable canvas mounted to a 1" deep wood frame.
  • Ready to hang with included easy-to-use hanging kit.

Framed - Black Finish

Framed - Black Finish

Our gallery quality frames are made of solid wood and feature optical-grade acrylic. Each framed map is printed on premium archival matte fine art paper.

  • Printed on thick, luxurious acid-free fine art paper & dry-mounted to foam board.
  • Pigment inks ensure a vivid print with amazing colors and excellent fade resistance.
  • Solid wood frame with a black finish has a 1.25" face & 7/8" depth.
  • Kraft paper protective backing & hanging wire installed.

Framed - Natural Oak Finish

Framed - Natural Oak Finish

Our gallery quality frames are made of solid wood and feature optical-grade acrylic. Each framed map is printed on premium archival matte fine art paper.

  • Printed on thick, luxurious acid-free fine art paper & dry-mounted to foam board.
  • Pigment inks ensure a vivid print with amazing colors and excellent fade resistance.
  • Solid wood frame with a natural oak finish has a 1.25" face & 7/8" depth.
  • Kraft paper protective backing & hanging wire installed.
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Made In The USA

Our wall map products are designed and printed on demand by our small team in Seattle, WA using high quality materials and fine art giclee printing.
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