Historic Map - Rock Island, IL - 1889
This bird’s-eye view print of Rock Island, Illinois was drawn by Henry Wellge and published by American Publishing Co. in 1889. Rock Island was an industrious town along the Mississippi River in 1889. The lumber industry was thriving and railroad interests were growing. Furnishings and supplies for the railroads were manufactured in Rock Island as well as agricultural implements.
In the 1880's a valuable streetcar system was installed connecting the communities of Rock Island and Moline with Davenport, Iowa. Bettendorf, Iowa would later join the others to become known as the Quad Cities.
The U. S. military began cleaning up the island of Rock Island during the pictured era. The island is now known as Arsenal Island, maintaining U. S. army armament manufacturing facilities.
The map from 1889 includes labeled streets, buildings, bridges and railroad routes. Riverboat and barge activity is displayed in the foreground and Arsenal Island at the lower left. The inset illustrations are of the following:
• Geo. Wagner, Atlantic Brewery.
• Rock Island Lumber Co.
• View of Rock Island Arsenal and the Three Cities.
• Rock Island Stove Co.
• I. Huber’s City Brewery & Malt House.
• Davenport. Sears Town. Indian Mineral Springs. Incline Railroad. Coal Mine. Blackhawk’s Watchtower. Tobogan Slide. Stone Quarry.
• Harper House.
Features references to the following locations:
1. Rock Island Lumber and Manufacturing Co.
2. Atlantic Brewery. Geo. Wagner, Proprietor.
3. Huber’s Brewery. I. Huber, Proprietor.
4. Huber’s Malt House. I. Huber, Proprietor.
5. Rock Island Bottling Works. Julius G. Junge, Proprietor. 3rd Ave. and 23rd St.
6. Rock Island Brass Works & Novelty Co. W. A. Paul, President. Cor. 18th St. and 5th Ave.
7. Sash, Door and Blind Factory. John Volk & Co. 319 to 325 18th St.
8. Cracker Factory. J. M. Christy. 1511 to 1515 3rd Ave.
9. Gilmore’s Packing House. J. S. Gilmore, Proprietor. 1500 to 1528 1st Ave.
10. Rock Island Saw Works. D. Donaldson, Proprietor. 1524 4th Ave.
11. Rock Island Iron Works. John E. Downing, Proprietor. Cor. 9th St. and 2nd Ave.
12. Gilmore’s Slaughter House.
13. Rock Island Plow Co.
14. Rock Island Glass Works. Mitchell & Lynde, Proprietors.
15. Rock Island Stove Co.
16. Rock Island Brewery. Raible & Stengel, Proprietors. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 4th St.
17. Warnock & Ralston’s Soap Works. Cor. 5th Ave. and 2nd St.
19. Rock Island Boat Yard and Marine Railway. Kahlke & Brother, Proprietors.
20. Whitney’s Dredging Fleet and Chisel Boats and Repair Yards.
21. Fertilizer Establishment. Wm. Farrell, Proprietor.
22. Rock Island Bottling Works. Carse & Ohlweiler, Proprietors. Cor. 11th St. and 5th Ave.
23. Wall & Ill. Manufacturers of Buggies, Road Carts, etc. 1610 to 1614 3rd Ave.
24. Rock Island Children’s Carriage Co. 1600 to 1608 1st Ave.
25. Cigar Manufactory. Jos. Geiger, Proprietor. Emil Jacobsen, Cigar Manufacturer.
26. Willard, Baker & Co. Copper Smithing, Sheet Iron Work, Brewery and Steamboat Work, Plumbers’ Supplies.
27. Rock Island Box and Packing Case Factory. Wm. Gray, Proprietor.
28. Augustana Book Concern. Publishers. F. N. Hasselquist, President. Cor. 7th Ave. and 28th St.
29. Rock Island Marble & Granite Works. M. R. Iglehart & Co. 1514 2nd Ave.
30. Rock Island Cornice Works. Noftsker & Havenhill, Proprietors. 1710 and 1712 4th Ave.
31. Don & Briggs. Blank Book Manufacturers and Book Bindery. 117 18th St.
32. Kramer & Bleuer. Blank Book Mfg. and Book Bindery. 1612 2nd Ave.
33. Henry Dart’s Sons. Wholesale Grocers. 213 and 215 18th St.
34. Geo. A. Fleming Co. California Dried Fruits. 113 & 115 16th St. and cor. 2nd Ave. & 23rd St.
35. G. E. Bailey. Wholesale Groceries. 217 18th St.
36. Hartz & Bahnsen. Wholesale Druggists. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 20th St.
37. R. Crampton. Wholesale and Retail Books.
38. W. W. Kimball Co. Branch House. Wholesale Pianos and Organs. D. Roy Bowlby, Manager. 1726 2nd Ave.
39. J. & M. Rosenfield. Wholesale and Retail Saddlery and Hardware. 1626 2nd Ave.
40. Stewart & Montgomery. Wholesale Hardware. Cor. 2nd Ave. and 18th St.
41. M. Levy & Son. 1816 and 1818 1st Ave.
42. P. Fries & Co. Cor. 18th St. and 1st Ave.
43. Lounsberry & Co. 117 E. 17th St. Kohn & Adler. 122 to 128 16th St. Beardsley & Burgh. 122 to 128 16th St.
44. Winter & Lemburg. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 17th St.
45. Fred. Best & Co. 1704 3rd Ave.
46. C. Tegeler & Co. 1728 and 1730 3rd Ave.
47. McCabe Bros. Dry Goods and Fancy Goods. 1714 to 1722 2nd Ave.
48. McIntyre Bros. Dry Goods. 1709 and 1711 2nd Ave.
49. Mrs. P. Greenawalt. Millinery and Fancy Goods. 1704 2nd Ave.
50. Lloyd & Stewart. Hatters and Gents’ Furnishings. 1806 2nd Ave.
51. Mosenfelder & Kohn. One Price Clothing and Shoe House. Sign of M. & K. Simon & Mosenfelder. One Price Clothiers and Furnishers. Rock Island House corner.
52. Wynes & Schneider. Boots and Shoes. 1818 2nd Ave. and 2933 5th Ave.
53. C. E. Turner & Co. Boots and Shoes. 1712 2nd Ave.
54. J. Ramser, Jeweler. 1827 2nd Ave.
55. Will. R. Johnson. The Jeweler. 1723 2nd Ave.
56. H. D. Folsom, Jeweler. 1707 2nd Ave.
57. John Bengston, Druggist. 1630 2nd Ave.
58. T. H. Thomas, Druggist. 1630 2nd Ave.
59. Frick & Hausgen. Harper House Livery. 1907 2nd Ave. Harper House Drug Store. Cor. 2nd Ave. and 19th St. Marshall & Fisher, Proprietors.
69. L. G. Snider. Livery Sale and Board Stable. 1916 3rd Ave.
60. F. Ludolph. Harness Shop. 1724 2nd Ave.
61. J. Sauerman. Dealer in Harnesses, Saddles, etc. 223 Market Square.
62. Kingbury & Son. Art Store and Picture Frames. 1705 2nd Ave.
63. David Don. Stoves and House Furnishing Goods. 1617 2nd Ave.
64. Wheelan Bros. Groceries. 2227 4th Ave.
65. W. A. Ehleb. Groceries. Cor. 4th Ave. and 20th St.
66. C. C. Truesdale. Groceries. 1802 2nd Ave.
67. M. A. Barns. Groceries. 1614 2nd Ave.
68. F. G. Young. Staple and Fancy Groceries. 1103 3rd Ave.
69. Olson & Peterson. Groceries, Flour and Feed. 601 9th St.
70. Kann & Fleming. Furniture and Carpets. 1811 2nd Ave.
71. J. C. Rasmussen, Photographer. Cor. 18th St. and 2nd Ave.
72. Jackson’s European Hotel, Café and Lunch Room. 1808 2nd Ave.
73. Krell & Math. Confectionery and Ice Cream Parlors. 1710 2nd Ave.
26. T. E. Schindler & Co. Meat Market. 1817 2nd Ave.
35. M. Yerbury. Plumbing and Steamfitting. 217 18th St.
35. C. O. D. Steam Laundry. M. J. Hill, Proprietor. 221 and 223 18th St.
74. Rock Island Steam Laundry. M. Goldberg, Proprietor. 1724 3rd Ave.
74. Davis & Co. Steamfitting and Plumbing. 1712 1st Ave.
75. Merchants Electric Light Co.
76. Port Byron Lime Association. Lime, Cement, Hair, Hard and Soft Coal. S. Mattison, Manager. 2021 2nd Ave.
77. E. G. Frazier. Coal and Lime. 1903 2nd Ave.
78. T. H. Ellis. The Celebrated Mercer County Coal, Brick, Tile, etc. 1401 2nd Ave.
79. Geo. M. Loosley. Chinaware, Glassware and Crockery. Wholesale and Retail. L. P. Sharp, Manager. 1609 2nd Ave.
80. The Fair. Louis V. Eckhart, Proprietor. 1635 2nd Ave., 125 E. 17th St. and 126 W. 17th St.
80. Mitchell & Lynde, Bankers. 1633 2nd Ave.
38. Rock Island National Bank. T. J. Robinson, President. Cor. 2nd Ave. and 18th St.
81. People’s National Bank. Bailey Davenport, President. 1807 2nd Ave.
82. Union Printing Co. Publishers of Daily and Weekly Union. 218 18th St.
83. The Argus. J. W. Potter, Proprietor. Daily and Weekly. 1624 2nd Ave.
38. The Rock Islander. J. B. Danforth, Editor and Proprietor. Weekly. Cor. 2nd Ave. and 18th St.
84. Volks Zeitung. F. Protar, Aditor and Proprietor. Semi Weekly. Cor. 17th St. and 2nd Ave.
85. O. A. Barnhart. Printing and Stationery. 1613 2nd Ave.
38. W. T. Magill, Dentist. Cor. 18th St. and 2nd Ave.
86. The Casino, A. Hildebrandt, Proprietor. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 24th Sts.
38. Mississippi Valley Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Co. Masonic Temple. W. B. Ferguson, Secretary.
38. Sun Accident Association. Gen. Wm. A. Schmitt, Manager. Masonic Temple
43. J. M. Buford Insurance and Real Estate. 121 17th St.
62. Rockford Insurance Co. Chas. Hodgson, Agent. Cor. 17th St. and 2nd Ave.
57. Medill & Whitehead. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance.
Cor. 17th St. and 2nd Ave.
L. Geo. W. D. Harris. Real Estate and Insurance. Commercial House Building. F. M. Sinnett. Real Estate. Proprietor, Sinnett’s Additions. 4201 5th Ave.
43. American Express Co. J. F. McKibben, Agent. 121 17th St.
66. Adams Express Co. E. T. Turner, Agent. 1804 2nd Ave.
43. Wells, Fargo & Co. Express Co. J. F. McKibben, Agent. 121 17th St.
26. United States Express Co.
C. H. Bashford, Agent. 1823 2nd Ave.
80. E. E. Parmenter, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Post Office Block.
80. Alair Pleasants, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Post Office Block.
43. Saville Johnston, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. 121 17th St. Oliver Olsen, Law, Real Estate and Loans. Bengston’s Block.
57. Sweeney & Walker, Attorneys at Law and Abstracts of Title. Bengston’s Block.
62. Guyer & Sweeney, Attorneys at Law and Abstracts of Title. NE cor. 17th St. and 2nd Ave.
38. William Jackson, Attorney at Law. Cor. 2nd Ave. and 18th St.
V. M. Blanding, Mayor.
Robert Koehler, Clerk.
Wm. M. McInery, Attorney.
Offices City Hall, cor. 3rd Ave. and 16th St.
A. County Court House, Jail and Offices.
B. City Hall.
C. Post Office and Public Library.
D. Rock Island Gas Works.
E. Young Men’s Christian Association.
F. City Water Works.
G. Union Square.
H. Franklin Square.
I. Harper’s Theatre. Cor. 16th St. and 2nd Ave.
J. Harper House. Homer J. Lowry, Proprietor.
K. Rock Island House. W. H. & J. F. Munger, Proprietors. 17th St. and 2nd Ave.
L. Commercial Hotel. D. H. Craig, Proprietor. 3rd Ave. and 17th St.
M. Gordon’s Hotel and Restaurant. C. D. Gordon, Proprietor. 222 and 224 17th St.
N. Union House. John G. Mueller, Proprietor. 211, 213 and 215 20th St.
O. Trinity Episcopal.
P. Broadway Presbyterian.
Q. Methodist Episcopal.
R. 20th St. Evangelical Lutheran.
S. Swedish Baptist.
T. St. Mary’s Catholic.
U. German Methodist.
V. Swedish Lutheran.
W. United Presbyterian.
X. St. Joseph’s Catholic.
Y. Central Presbyterian.
Z. First Baptist.
AA. Christian Chapel.
AB. Colored Baptist.
AC. Ninth St. Methodist.
AD. South Park Broadway Mission.
AE. Seventh St. Episcopal Mission.
AF. German Presbyterian.
BA. Augustana College and Theological Seminary.
BB. Public School No. 7, 7th Ward.
BC. Public School No. 5, 6th Ward.
BD. Public School No. 4, 5th Ward.
BE. High School.
BF. Public School No. 3, 4th Ward.
BG. Public School No. 2, 3rd Ward.
BH. Public School No. 6, 2nd Ward.
BI. Public School No. 1, 1st Ward.
BJ. St. Joseph’s School (Catholic).
BK. St. Mary’s School (Catholic).
BL. German School (Private).
CA. Rock Island & Peoria, Passenger and Freight.
CB. Chic., Milw. & St. P., Passenger and Freight.
CC. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, Freight Depot.
CD. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, Passenger and Freight.
CE. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, Passenger Depot.
CF. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Round House.
CG. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Round House.
CH. Rock Island & Peoria Round House.
DA. Edgewood Park.
DB. South Park.
DC. Davenport Park.
DD. Black Hawk’s Watch Tower.
DE. Sears Town.
DF. Milan.
DG. Chippiannock Cemetery.
Archival Paper

Premium fine art paper that provides accurate color reproduction with high-contrast, high-resolution print output and maximum image permanence. A high-quality print ready for framing.
- Museum quality paper for high-quality fine art.
- Ultra smooth, neutral white matte finish.
- Heavy-weight 230 gsm, 9.5 mil thickness.
- Printed with pigment inks for longer print life and enhanced fade resistance.
- Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
Luster Photo Paper

A premium semi-gloss photo paper with a subtle texture that produces a vivid, richly detailed print. This material results in an exquisitely detailed giclee print of substantially higher quality than a standard poster.
- Printed on 10 mil premium luster photo paper resulting in a brilliant, colorful image with a vivid life-like quality.
- Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
- Inks have a lightfastness rating of over 100 years, guaranteeing minimal noticeable fading over a very long period of time.
- Printed using very high resolution source files.
- Giclee printing is superior to traditional lithography in a number of ways: colors are brighter, lasts longer, and is a higher resolution.
Canvas on Wood Rails

A canvas giclee print is mounted to wooden hanging rails placed along the top and bottom of the map. Ready to hang on the wall using the attached hanging cord. Wood rails feature a natural finish.
- Premium 19 mil canvas material.
- Wood rails are 1 1/8" wide, round front.
- USA sourced solid maple wood.
- High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
- Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
Canvas Gallery Wrap

A high quality canvas giclee print is hand stretched over a sturdy wood frame. Printed on demand and handcrafted in Seattle, WA. The canvas gallery wrap serves as a stunning piece of art ready to hang on your wall.
- Premium 19 mil canvas material.
- Pigment based Canon LUCIA inks provide smooth tones and rich colors in fine, precise detail.
- High quality giclee fine art print with a lightfastness rating of over 100 years.
- Durable canvas mounted to a 1" deep wood frame.
- Ready to hang with included easy-to-use hanging kit.
Framed Map Print - Black Finish

Our gallery quality frames are made of solid wood and feature optical-grade acrylic. Each framed map is printed on premium archival matte fine art paper.
- Printed on thick, luxurious acid-free fine art paper & dry-mounted to foam board.
- Pigment inks ensure a vivid print with amazing colors and excellent fade resistance.
- Solid wood frame with a black finish has a 1.25" face & 7/8" depth.
- Kraft paper protective backing & hanging wire installed.
Framed Map Print - Natural Oak Finish

Our gallery quality frames are made of solid wood and feature optical-grade acrylic. Each framed map is printed on premium archival matte fine art paper.
- Printed on thick, luxurious acid-free fine art paper & dry-mounted to foam board.
- Pigment inks ensure a vivid print with amazing colors and excellent fade resistance.
- Solid wood frame with a natural oak finish has a 1.25" face & 7/8" depth.
- Kraft paper protective backing & hanging wire installed.

Made In The USA

School Purchase Orders