The city of Sacramento was founded in 1848 on the Pacific coast, and quickly grew due to the California Gold Rush. It was incorporated into a city in 1850, and later became the state's capital in 1854. This beautiful map provides a look back to the early beginnings of the city, and includes insets of the towns early structures. Complete reference list below.
The following booster statement was included on the map:
Sacramento, Cal.
SACRAMENTO, the capital city of California, is situated at the confluence of the American and Sacramento rivers, ninety miles easterly from San Francisco, eighteen miles westerly from the lower foothills of the Sierra range, and nearly in the center of the State; and for a political seat could not be better located. The city has a population of 80,000. Its municipal area is in excess of four square miles. Fully two-thirds if this is compactly built. Its streets are broad, heavily shaded, and afford admirable drives. In its homes, Sacramentans take pardonable pride, since, for beauty of surrounding, floral wealth and choice foliage, their equals are few.
The city is admirably related by railroads to the trade and transportation interests if the coast. The California and Oregon Railroad leads hence to and through Oregon, the Central Pacific east to the transmontane regions, the California Pacific on the west side of the Sacramento river connects the city with San Francisco and its upper suburban towns and cities; the Western Pacific connects it with the San Joaquin valley, the Southern Pacific leading to the Gulf of Mexico, and by continuation from Lathrop makes a second connection with San Francisco, and by branch lines with the Santa Clara valley. The Sacramento Valley and Placerville line leads from the capital city to the El Dorado Sierras. Feeder to the great Central lines connect Sacramento with the leading counties of the State; both coast and interior. By navigation of the Sacramento river, the city has trade relations with the entire tier if river counties.
Sacramento is liberally endowed with churches. They represent nearly all denominations, and the church edifices are nearly all fine, and some are very imposing structures. There is maintained the best equipped school system, supplemented by several private educational institutions. One of these, the Sacramento School of Design, occupies the E. B. Crocker Art Gallery, a superb building presented to the city by Mrs. E. B. Crocker, and valued, with its collection of oil paintings, at about six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The State capitol, situated in the heart of the city, is a classical structure, erected at a cost of upwards of three millions of dollars. The Catholic Cathedral, Agricultural Pavilion, Odd Fellows' Temple, Sacramento and Capital Grammar Schools, Courthouse and Hall of Records are among the notably large and fine structures. The Railroad Hospital, High School, Masonic Hall, Free Library, chief hotels, State Printing Office, Old Ladies Home, and several business structures are buildings that attract attention and are a source of local pride, The Central Pacific Railroads shops in this city are the largest mechanical works upon the coast, and give employment to two thousand skilled and unskilled workmen. There are many factors in the industry of the city.
The jobbing trade of Sacramento aggregates about sixty million dollars annually, and extends throughout all the Central and northern and mountain sections, and the adjacent States and Territories. Sacramento is the chief fruit shipping station of the State, sending forward in season far more fruit that any other point, and generally as much as most others combined. Its rail and river transportation facilities, nearness to the mountain range, contiguity to the great foothill region, centrality of location, and climatic desirability, all conspire to make it the most prominent fruit forwarding post of the State.
The county of Sacramento is largely devoted to fruit-raising and for grapes, berries and general fruits, its soil is not second - and in many respects first - in comparison with all other sections. Its river bottom lands are unquestionably the riches of the coast, making Sacramento pre-eminently the chief hop-raising territory of the United States. The largest hop-yard in the world is in this county, as also the second largest vineyard in the world. Of wheat, barley and alfalfa, the county yields abundantly and of the first quality. The business and property interests maintain a vigilant Board of Trade, an Improvement Association and an Immigration Society, all actively engaged in promoting local interests. Irrigation has not been needed in the county, nor employed, save in berry farms and gardens through agencies that lift water form bored wells, it being found in quantity and purity in a gravel strata underlying most of the county area.
The new comer will find a climate genial and bracing, free from enervating quality, and oranges and lemons ripening in the air will convince the most skeptical of the practicableness of raising them for market in this section. Semi-tropic plants flourish luxuriantly in all the Sacramento region, the palm, olive, date, lime, almond, orange and lemon finding the climate admirably adapted to their growth. In all deciduous fruits the Sacramento region holds the palm, peaches, pears, apples, apricots and all small fruits of the finest quality, are here grown in vast abundance. The raisins made in Sacramento county, being grown without irrigation, are sweeter and thinner skinned that the more famous Fresno brands. The fines pickled olives exhibited last year were grown at Florin, Sacramento county. The Sacramento section is emphatically agricultural; all cereal fruits, grasses and vegetables being raised with unparalleled success and of unsurpassed quality. The climate is semi-tropical. The heat of summer, owing to the dryness of the atmosphere, is not oppressive, and winter, as generally understood is unknown - as an evidence of which December and January ripens the orange, and February is the month of flowers especially, while vegetables are grown the year round, and berries are in market up to December 1st, and even later. Snow and ice and freezing temperatures are not factors in the climate. The health of Sacramento city is of high character, and she stands second as the healthiest city in the land. No other county has such varied resources that are more easily or profitably developed. The outlook for the city and its suburban country appears to be the brightest. Free from the speculative craze; values not suffering by inflation or decadence; immigration steadily coming in of the most desirable character; local capital being abundant, trade expanding, and the adornment pf the city and its suburbs constantly being made; manufacturers increasing, transportation facilities augmenting; society orderly, stable and of high moral tone, Sacramento presents herself as one of the most desirable and inviting localities of the Pacific coast.
Features numbered references to the following locations:
1. S. P. Co.'s R.R. Shops.
2. S. P. Depot.
3. City Hall Water Works
4. S. P. Co.'s Foundry.
5. S. P. Co.'s Hospital.
6. Electric Light Works.
7. Hall of Records.
8. County Court House.
9. City Free Library.
10. Episcopal Church
11. Congregational Church.
12. Pioneer's Church.
13. Golden Eagle Hotel.
14. Capitol Hotel.
15. Masonic Temple.
16. 6th St. M. E. Church.
17. Presbyterian Church.
18. Armory Hall.
19. Metropolitan Theatre.
20. Record-Union Office.
21. Western Hotel.
22. Crocker Art Gallery.
23. Capital Grammar School.
24. High School.
25. First Baptist Church.
26. Clunie Opera House.
27. Odd Fellows Temple.
28. Turner Hall.
29. Catholic Cathedral.
30. German Lutheran Church.
31. City Plaza.
32. State Capitol.
33. State Exposition Building.
34. State Printing Office.
35. Grammar School
36. Sutter's Old Fort.
37. "Nob Hill"
38. Town of Enterprise.
39. City Cemetery.
40. "Nama Colony"
A. Street Railways.
B. Electric Railway.