Historic Map - Westerly, RI - 1911

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View of Westerly, Washington County, R.I., 1911 / drawn & published by Hughes & Bailey.

This aero-view print of Westerly, Rhode Island was drawn and published by Hughes & Bailey in 1911. Westerly was established in the 1600's near the location were the Pawcatuck River flows into Narragansett Bay. Westerly received attention early-on as a vacation and fishing village.

Granite and other stones of varied value began to be quarried aggressively in the mid-1800's near Westerly. The most valued granite quarried here was used in forming many of the famous statues and monuments of New England.

Westerly’s town booster of 1911 states:

“Westerly is one of New England’s Most Prosperous, Enterprising and Attractive Towns. Has a population of about 9,000 and is a trade center for 35,000. Is Famous for the very High Quality Granite of its many and Extensive Quarries. Large and Varied Manufacturing, Commercial and Mercantile Industries and Enterprises. Sound and well managed Banks with ample Capital. Educational System and Equipment of the Highest Order and Excellence. An Exceptionally Fine Public Library Building Well Stocked and with Spacious Art Gallery, Reading Room, Etc. Fraternal and Religious Organizations are fully represented. Efficient Fire and Police Departments afford thorough Protection. Unlimited supply of Pure Water at all seasons. A Beautiful Public Park of 15 acres well kept and centrally located. Westerly includes Watch Hill, one of the most celebrated and attractive Sea Shore Resorts in the United States. Convenient to New York and Boston by the best R. R. in New England. Trolley connections with Norwich, New London, Watch Hill and many other points. To the Business Man, Home or Pleasure Seeker, Westerly offers the Strongest and Best Inducements. Its Board of Trade, composed of Active and Prominent Men, is alive the Local Interests and Invites and will Encourage further Industries.”

The illustration includes labeled streets, buildings, bridges and railroad routes. There are border illustrations and photographs of the following:

  • C. B. Cottrell & Sons Co.
  • The Smith Granite Co.
  • Babcock & Wilson, Lumber Yard.
  • The Washington Trust Co.
  • The C. W. Campbell Co., Hay & Grain.
  • The New England Granite Co.
  • R. A. Sherman’s Sons Co., Lumber Yard.
  • The P. H. Opie Co., Dry Goods, Millinery.
  • Peters Brothers Spa.
  • Carpenter-Sherman Co., Smart Clothes.
  • Wm. H. Goodgeon, Jeweler.
  • Everett D. Saunders, Shoes and Boots.
  • St. Michael’s R. C. Church.
  • 7th Day Baptist Church.
  • Calvary Baptist Church.
  • Catholic Church.
  • Congregational Church.
  • Christ Church, Episcopal.
  • High School.
  • West Broad St. School.
  • Scenes of Wilcox Park.
  • The Armory.
  • Town Hall and Court House.
  • Memorial and Public Library.
  • Misquamicut Golf Club.
  • Scenes of Watch Hill.

Included listings:


U. S. Post Office. Broad and High Sts.
Town Hall and Court House. Broad and Union Sts.
Memorial and Public Library. Broad St.
High School. Broad, opp. Elm St.
Armory. Cor. Dixon St. and R. R. Ave.
Westerly Station. N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., Canal and R. R. Ave.


Ahern, Rose. Ladies’ Hatter, 42 High St.
Alger, J. W. Cabinet Work, 53 Beach St.
Alger, L. J. Gen’l Agt. Wear-ever aluminum cooking utensils, 53 Beach St.
Apothecaries Hall. W. E. Almy, Proprietor, 37 High St.
Babcock & Wilcox. Builders and Dealers in Lumber, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Brick, Lime and Cement, 129 Main St.
Barber, J. D. Physician, 50 Granite St.
Barber, W. W. Contractor and Builder, 180 Mechanic St.
Bannon, Thos. J. Wholesale & Retail Druggist, 26, 28 and 30 Main St.
Barnes, Robt. T. Furniture Mover, Party Accommodations & General Teaming, 109 Canal St.
Buffum, Edward H. Private residence, 66 Elm St.
Bransfield, Cornelius. Police Sergeant, 34 School St.
Burdick, Ed. N. Photo Supplies, Kodaks & Films, Photographic Materials, Art Brass Designs, 5 Main St.
Burdick, Henry L. Attorney at Law, 70 High St.
Burke, James W. Real Estate, 37 Granite St.
Brown, P. C. Cashier N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., Freight House.
Brucker Bros. Fine Tailoring, 52 High St.
Burk, J. H. Photographer, 49 Elm St.
Butler, Chas. J. Post Master.
Campbell, C. W. Co., The. Grain, Hay, etc., 27 West Broad St.
Carpenter-Sherman Co. Furnishers, Haberdashers, Smart Clothes, Quality Shop on the Bridge.
Casey, W. H. Insurance Agent, Deputy Sheriff New London Co., West Broad St.
Champlin, G. E. & Son. Hack, Livery & Boarding Stable, Light & Heavy Teaming, 22 Canal St.
Champlin, John, M. D. Physician, 9 Granite St.
Chester, Irvine O. Real Estate & Insurance, 69 High St.
Collins, James. Fine Tailoring, 67 High St.
Columbia Granite Co. Artistic Monumental Work, Carving & Statuary, Oak St.
Conway, Mrs. Thomas. 41 Tower St.
Coon, Chas. F. Superintendent, Parks, 70 Beach St.
Coon’s Sons, C. S. House Painters & Decorators, 105 Main St.
Cottrell, C. B. & Sons Co. Printing Press Manufacturers, Mechanic St.
Cottrell, Chas. P. Of C. B. Cottrell & Sons Co.
Cottrell, S. G. Chief Engineer Fire Department, 124 Granite St.
Crandall Co., I. B. Clothiers, Hatters & Furnishers, Established 1872, 10 High St.
Crowley, James M., D. D. S. 70 High St.
Coy, Frank W. Real Estate & Fire Insurance, 6 High St.
Davis, John F. Stevedore, Dock Builder & Contractor, 199 Main St.
Davey & Maxwell. Plumbing, Steam & Gas Fitting, Dixon House Court.
Dixon House. Under new management, Louis H. Eddy, Proprietor, Dixon Square.
Dixon House Barber Shop. Geo. L. Williams, Proprietor.
Dodge, E. M. & Co. Clothiers, 5 & 6 Dixon House Block.
Dotolo, Louis. Mason & Contractor, House Moving, 5 Pierce St.
Drysdale, Robert. Plumber, Steam & Gas Fitter, 54 Main St. & Wauwinnet Ave., Watch Hill.
Dunham, G. A. Brick Mason & Plasterer, 99 Stillman St.
Edmund Co., J. T. Groceries & Provisions, 62 High St.
Elm St. Greenhouses, The. Conrad S. Schultz, Florist, cor. Beach & Elm Sts.
Farnham, Stephen H. Siphons, Fountains, Liquid Gas, everything pertaining to the Soda business; Jersey-Crème, Moxie, Hires’ Root Beer, 94 Canal St.
Ferguson, Alexander, D. D. S. 44 High St.
Flynn, Maurice W. Monumental Works, 103 Main St.
Foster, Lafayette L. Tin, Sheet Iron & Metal Worker, 40 Mechanic St.
Gavitt Co., H. B., The. House Furnishers, 33,35,37 W. Broad St.
German Clothing & Shoe Co. Max Novogroski, Proprietor, 23 W. Broad St.
Greenman, Chas. P. Private residence, 19 George St.
Granite City Restaurant. Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Proprietor, 22 Canal St.
Goodgeon, William H. Successor to The E. N. Denison Co., Jeweler & Silversmith, 4 High St.
Haswell & Son, F. F. Groceries, Drygoods, Meats, Hay and Grain, 37 Oak St.
Hillard, William A. Physician, 137 Broad St.
Hiscox Co., Robert M. Plumbing, 62 Main St.
Holmes, W. H. Superintendent, Public Schools.
Home Bakery. E. E. Vincent, 59 W. Broad St.
Hotel Martin. American & European Plan, Joseph Graf, Proprietor, Canal, opp. Depot.
Industrial Trust Co. Westerly Branch. James L. Pendleton, Manager, 14 High St.
Kenyon Co., H. T. Builders, Dealers in Lumber and Builders’ Materials, 57 Main St.
Kenyon Machine & Auto Repair Co. Auto Station, 88 Main St.
Kinney & Son, A. F. Wholesale Dealers in Confectionery, 25 Beach St.
Krebs, Frank. Baker, Krebs’ Ideal Bread, 108 Beach St.
Lawton, Wm. E. All kinds of Sea Food, 171 Main St.
Mahoney, John. Wholesale & Retail Liquors, 64 W. Broad St.
McKenzie, T. M. C. Westerly Water Works.
McOscar, Rev. P. M. 123 High St.
Miller, H. E. First-class Upholsterer, Mattress & Cushion Maker, 67 Main St.
Murphy, J. T. Real Estate, 6 Canal St.
Nash, Arthur N. Imported & Domestic Cigars, News Dealer & Stationer, 21 Broad St.
New England Bakery. Wm. Minchen, Proprietor, 82 Main St.
New England Granite Co., The. J. G. Batterson, President. D. L. McLaren, Vice-President & Mgr. W. B. Austin, Treasurer & Sec., Ledward Ave.
New Park Hotel. C. C. Taft, Proprietor, 59 High St.
Nye, Dr. Fremont. Dentist, 41 High St.
O’Connell, Dr. John M. Dentist, Brown Bldg.
Opie Co., P. H., The. Dry Goods, Carpets, etc., Brown Bldg., High St.
Payne, F. I. Physician, 38 Granite St.
Peacock, Joseph. Librarian, Westerly Public Library.
Pellegriny, J. F. Merchant Tailor, 4 Main St.
Pendleton, Eugene B. Gen’l Real Estate Agt., Com. Of Deeds for N. Y. & N. J., 4 Main St.
Perry, Arthur L. Treasurer, Washington Trust Co.
Perry, H. C. Treasurer, C. W. Campbell Co.
Peoples Market. G. E. Broughton, 6 Main St.
Peters Bros. Manufacturers and Jobbers of Fine Confections, Peters’ Spa, Main St.
Picard, Theodore T. Proprietor, The Railroad Stables, 15 R. R. Ave.
Price-Rogers Co. Real Estate & Insurance, Post Office Bldg.
Purtill, Jere. Shoes & Hosiery, On the Bridge.
Randall, Abel P. Plumber, Steam & Gas Fitter, 64 Main St.
Saunders, N. H. Harness Maker, 48 West Broad St.
Savage, C. Grant. Physician, 7 Elm St.
Segar, C. L. Treasurer, Wm. Segar Co., Dixon House Block.
Segar, J. Frank. Coal & Wood, 62 Main St.
Sherman, Isaac Co., The. Contractors & Builders, Dealers in Lumber, 34-36 W. Broad St.
Sherman’s Sons Co., R. A. Builders & Dealers in Lumber and Builders’ Materials, 137 Main St.
Smith, E. A. Contractor & Builder, 16 Lincoln Ave.
Smith Granite Co., The. Monumental Designers & Sculptors, W. S. Martin, Sec. & Gen’l Mgr., 98 Granite St.
Smith’s Garage. A. B. Smith, Proprietor, 83 Main St.
St. Onge, Wm. Tailor (ladies’ & gents’ garments), 63 Main St.
Spargo, W. G. Artistic Memorials, 38 Summer St., Works, Oak St.
Spicer, A. H. & Son. Dentists, Briggs Bldg.
Stiles, F. W. Photographic Studio, Brown Bldg.
Stillman, O. Books & Stationery, Phonographs & Records, Steamship Agency, 8 High St.
Sweeney, John W. Attorney at Law, Brown Bldg.
Syme, James, Jr. Horseshoer & Carriage Repairer. Auto Tires Vulcanized, 23 Railroad Ave.
Tanner, C. Gilbert. Agt., N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R.
Traggis, N. J. Confectioner, Broad & High Sts.
Tuckerman, N. F. Livery Stable, W. Broad St.
Universal Electric Welding Co. A. F. Rietzel, Consulting Eng. & Mgr., Brown Bldg.
Victor Co., The. Laundering, Chas. E. Stewart.
Washington Trust Co., The. Chas. Perry, President, 23 Broad St.
Webster, Merton T. Antique Furniture, 21 Liberty St.
Westerly Concrete Co. William F. Loudon, Proprietor, 44 Liberty St.
Westerly Daily Sun. Geo. H. Utter, Publisher. 56 Main St.
Westerly Drug Co. August Larson, Proprietor, 57 High St.
Westerly Ice Co. T. D. Babcock, President, 41 High St.
Westerly Ice Cream Co. C. W. Richmond, Mgr., 66 High St.
Westerly Leading Shoe Store. Everett D. Saunders, High Grade Foot Wear, 22 Main St.
Westerly Light & Power Co. 69 High St.
Westerly’s Popular Dry Goods Store. Fisher Bros., Proprietors, 10-12 Broad St.
Westerly Quarries Co. J. W. Sweeney, office, Brown Bldg.
Whipple, Everett E. Town Clerk, Town Hall Bldg.
Whitford, Edwin. Dentist, Potter Bldg.
Whithall Electric Co. Electrical Contractors & Engineers, 38 Main St.
Wilcox, Ethan. Librarian Emeritus, Westerly Public Library.
Wilcox, F. N. Coal, Wood & Hay, 60 West Broad St.
Wilcox, Wm. A. Real Estate, 41 W. Broad St.
Williams, Oliver H. Counselor at Law, Barber Bldg., High St.
Willard Hardware Co., C. W., The. Stoves, Hardware, House Furnishing Goods, Farm Machinery, Sporting Goods, 38 & 40 High St.


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