Where People Work
Student will identify where people work and discuss what type of work they do.
Work, job
Materials Needed
Landscape Picture Map, map markers or post it notes
Pull down the Landscape Picture Map. Tell the students today they will find places in the Landscape Picture where people work. The type of work people do is called their job. Have the students locate different places in the Landscape Picture where people work. Circle the factory, the hospital, the office building, the airport, the farm, etc. Have the students describe the location of each feature. Use spatial terms like close to, next to, across from, as the students locate these features. Also, have the students describe what type of work may be taking place at each place identified.
Discuss how each job is alike (people are working to produce a product or a service, people are paid for their work, etc.). How is each job different?
Is each job important? Why? Would it be all right if everyone did the same job? Why not? Emphasize that all people must work together for the individual job to have a meaning. People depend on one another and the natural resources provided by the land and water.
Lesson .pdf file (Printable Lesson)