Literature Based Lesson Plans for Maps and Globes - Lesson Six

Where People Live


Finding the right place to live is not always as easy as it sounds. Some people want different things in a home. For example, some people like a lot of trees and grass around their homes, while others enjoy the sights and sounds of the city. Knowing where you want to live is very helpful, but finding such a place can be quite difficult if you do not know very much about the area.

Shared Book Literature Source

Make Way for Ducklings, Robert McCloskey.

The endearing classic of the Mallard family who, tired of looking for a new home, find he perfect spot in the city.

Other Materials Needed

Landscape Picture Map
Map Markers
Post-it Notes

Suggested Lesson

In a shared book experience, invite the children to read Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey to see how Mr. and Mrs. Mallard go about making a home for their family. Ask the children to think about which places Mr. and Mrs. Mallard traveled to in their efforts to find a home. Accept, help students to clarify, and list all responses on the blackboard or easel tablet.

Use the Landscape Picture Map. Ask the children to refer to the Landscape Picture Map and put an "X" on all of the places listed from Mr. And Mrs. Mallard's travels that appear on the Landscape Picture Map. Ask the children to take turns pointing to one of their selections. Ask each student to describe the location of each feature. Encourage the use of spatial terms such as close to the school, near the airport.

In language experience style, ask the children to help you build a list of things they would look for in finding a home where their family might want to live. Write their responses next to the list for Mr. And Mrs. Mallard. Encourage the children to discuss what they see and select examples on their Landscape Picture Map. Suggest that the students compare building size, color, shapes, labels (signs or symbols). Ask them "Do you see different uses for different buildings?" "Are all homes in smaller buildings?" "Why would some children want to live in the central city area, others on the edge of the city, someone else on the farm, and still others on the lake or mountain?"

Write the word "neighborhood" on post-it notes and give one to each child to place on his/her Landscape Picture Map. Write the word neighborhood on the board. Brainstorm on the definition. For example, the discussion might begin with ..."it's a place where my home and friends' homes are..."

After the children have developed and agreed upon their definition for neighborhood, encourage them to use their map markers and circle on the map the neighborhood where they would want to live. Let various children share why they selected that location.

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