Gall Orthogrpahic Projection Physical World Spring Roller Map
This Advanced World physical map from Academia maps utilizes Gall's Orthographic Projection and is ideal for teaching world geography or earth science to students in grades 6 through 12. This map was designed using the Gall-Orthographic projection, which is an equal-area map projection that accurately depicts the sizes of countries in relation each other. The Gall Orthographic projection map has been adopted for use by UNESCO, OXFAM, numerous British schools, and recently by Boston Public Schools. It is considered a good alternative to the commonly used Mercator projection which increasingly inflates the sizes of countries the further you move from the equator. This is most noticeably observed with Greenland appearing larger than Africa on a Mercator map despite being 14 times smaller.
The Gall Orthogrpahic world map projection maintains correct sizes and proportions of continents, providing us with an alternative view of the world not found on traditional school maps.
The map features colorful topographic shading, or hypsometric tints combined with detailed shaded relief of terrain that clearly define elevation information for the world. Political boundaries for countries are represented using bold red outlines. Countries, national capital cities, major cities and U.S. states are clearly labeled. Also features rivers, lakes, seas, mountain ranges & peaks, deserts, basins, and latitude/longitude lines. This world topography map also features detailed ocean bathymetry including ocean floor relief. Map is politically up-to-date with the latest changes.
The Gall Orthogrpahic world map projection maintains correct sizes and proportions of continents, providing us with an alternative view of the world not found on traditional school maps.
The map features colorful topographic shading, or hypsometric tints combined with detailed shaded relief of terrain that clearly define elevation information for the world. Political boundaries for countries are represented using bold red outlines. Countries, national capital cities, major cities and U.S. states are clearly labeled. Also features rivers, lakes, seas, mountain ranges & peaks, deserts, basins, and latitude/longitude lines. This world topography map also features detailed ocean bathymetry including ocean floor relief. Map is politically up-to-date with the latest changes.
This classroom wall map is laminated and can be marked on with a dry or wet erase marker. Spring roller maps are ready to hang on existing classroom map mounting hardware, or mounting hardware can be purchased separately.
Key Features:
- Laminated with a markable washable surface.
- Bold easy to read text labels.
- Elevation and ocean depth legend in feet and meters.
- Detailed legend identifies map symbols and features.
- Insets include: Detailed polar projections of North and South Pole.
This popular educational map is also offered as an economical wall map for home or classroom use. Click to see the Gall Orthographic Projection Physical World Classroom Style Map.

Made In The USA

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