World Map and Globe - Lesson 2 (K-3)


The students will locate and identify the continents on the globe.



Materials Needed

globe, globe marker


Review with the students that the globe is a model of the Earth. Also review with the students the meaning of the world ocean. Locate each ocean on the globe.

Write the word continent on the board. Tell the students that the largest land areas on the globe are called continents. There are seven continents. Each continent has a name. Today the students will use the globe to locate and identify the seven continents.

Draw a circle around North America. Tell the students we live on the continent of the North America. Underline the words North America and emphasize the style of type and size of type used to identify continents. This will help the students locate and identify the other continents.

Pass the globe among the students. Have a student identify each continent. (Don't forget Antarctica.) Each time a continent is identified write the word(s) on the board. Continue this process until all continents have been identified.

As a continent is identified, ask the students which oceans touch that continent.

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